CptS 122 – Data Structures                                                                                             


Programming Assignment 6: Basic Bank Application in C++


Assigned: Friday, October 12, 2012

Due: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 by midnight


I. Learner Objectives:


At the conclusion of this programming assignment, participants should be able to:


II. Prerequisites:


Before starting this programming assignment, participants should be able to:


III. Overview & Requirements:


Note: This project is similar to the Account Class problem provided in your Deitel and Deitel C How To Program book (Exercise 16.12). You are to write a basic bank application, in C++, that allows the user of the application to manually create, modify, and delete bank accounts. Before you write the application you will need to create a class called Account. The class Account is used to represent customers' bank accounts. Your class should include four data members to represent the account balance (a double), account number (an integer), customer name (a string), and date the account was opened (a string). Your class should provide two constructors: one default constructor with no parameters and one constructor with the initial balance, account number, customer name, and date created as parameters. The second constructor should check the initial balance. If the balance is not >= 0, the balance should be set to 0 and an error message should be displayed.


The class should provide several member functions. Some of which are described below. Remember that you will have to think about other appropriate member functions (think about setter and getter functions!). Member function credit should add an amount to the current balance and store it back into the balance. Member function debit should withdraw money from the Account, modify the balance, and ensure the debit amount does not exceed the Account's balance. If it does, the balance should be left unmodified and the function should print an appropriate message. Member function printAccountInfo should print the current balance, account number, customer name, and date of the account.


Once you have designed your Account class. You will need to create the main bank program. Note that you can create the main bank program in the main function or you can try to create another class for the main bank program. The main program needs to display a menu for:
1.    adding new accounts
2.    deleting existing accounts
3.    crediting/depositing to an existing account
4.    debiting/withdrawing from an existing account
5.    displaying information for a single specific account
6.    displaying a list of all accounts within the bank

As with previous assignments, you must return back to your menu screen after an action has been performed. Options 2, 3, 4, and 5 should display a sub-menu that allows you to choose which account to perform the action upon. The number of items in this menu should equal the number of accounts that currently exist within the bank.

Your code for this assignment must be robust. Think of designing software that will be used by other people and consider the ramifications of not handling erroneous input in an elegant fashion. This list is not exhaustive, but gives a few examples of the types of things that you should be doing on these assignments:
1.    If an option such as “delete existing account” is chosen and there are no accounts in the bank, then a message should appear stating this.
2.    If your submenu for options 2-5 lists N accounts and asks the user to pick one, then it should not crash if the user picks an invalid account number. You should display a message telling the user that the account number is invalid and give them the option of trying again or returning to the main menu.
3.    Avoid using hard-coded array sizes for lists of items that, in theory, should be able to grow indefinitely. Doing things like creating a fixed-size array of 10 accounts and assuming that you won’t need more than this is bad practice. You know how to use linked lists, dynamic arrays, and other similar mechanisms at this point that should allow you to write code for a bank that can take an unlimited number of accounts.
4.    Make output clear, informative and readable. Have fun with this assignment!

IV. Submitting Assignments:


  1. Using the Angel tool https://lms.wsu.edu submit your assignment to your TA. You will "drop" your solution into the provided "Homework Submissions" Drop Box under the "Lessons" tab. You must upload your solutions as <your last name>_pa6.zip by the due date and time.
  2. Your .zip file should contain a project workspace. Your project folder must have at least one header file (a .h file), two C++ source files (which must be .cpp files), and project workspace. Delete the debug folder before you zip your project folders.
  3. Your project must build properly. 


V. Grading Guidelines:


This assignment is worth 100 points. Your assignment will be evaluated based on a successful compilation and adherence to the program requirements. We will grade according to the following criteria: