Lab #4: Image manipulation


The main objective of this lab is to familiarize you with basic control openCV and image manipulation. Please work in small groups. You will turn in one set of code per group, but please make sure to include all names of group members!


Upon successful completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  1. Open images in ROS via openCV
  2. Manipulate and analyze images via openCV
  1. Create a ROS node using C or Python.
  2. Display the image on the screen.
  3. Display a second image that shows a particular color (e.g., orange) in white, and all other colors in black.
  4. Identify the midpoint of all pixels of the identified color.
  5. Check out the findContours and simpleBlobDetection functions of openCV. Write 1-2 sentences about each describing where/why you'd use them.
  6. Use either findContours or simpleBlobDetection to show a third image of contours / blob.
  7. Extra Credit: Use a video stream rather than a static image
Turn in
  1. Submit your code via Angel as a zip file.
  2. Submit a screenshot or video of the three images described above.
  3. In a .txt or .pdf, list:
    Name of group member(s)
    The brief descriptions of findCountours and simpleBlobDetection