Fall 2009
Due: October 2, 2009, 5pm on eLearning
General Guidelines:
- All source code must be in C++. You can use Windows or
Unix environments at your discretion.
- Each program project should be accompanied by a COVER
SHEET (see details below). Assignments without cover page will NOT be
- This is an individual programming
assignment. No team work is allowed.
- The final material for submission should be entirely
written by you. If you decide to consult with others or refer materials
online, you MUST give due credits to these sources (people, books, webpages,
etc.) by listing them on the cover sheet mentioned below. Note that no
points will be deducted for referencing these sources. However, your
discussion/consultation should be limited to the initial design level.
Sharing or even showing your source code/assignment verbiage to anyone else
in the class, or direct reproduction of source code/verbiage from online
resources, will all be considered plagiarism, and therefore will be awarded
ZERO points and subject to the WSU Academic Dishonesty policy. (Reproducing
from the Weiss textbook is an exception to this rule, and such reproduction
is encouraged wherever possible.)
- Grading will be based on correctness, coding style,
implementation efficiency, exception handling, source code documentation,
and the written report.
- Submission: All assignments with cover
sheet should be zipped or tarred into one archive folder (named after your
last name), and attached by email and sent to the instructor and all the TAs
through the eLearning website. Submissions are due by 5pm. A late penalty of
10% will be assessed for late submissions within the next 24-hour. Note:
Submissions will be accepted only through the eLearning webmail. Any
other submission outside the eLearning portal will be discarded and not
graded. (In the unlikely event of an eLearning server outage on the day of
submission, assisgnments can be emailed to the instructor's EECS email
PROBLEM Maximum subsequence sum problem:
For this assignment you will be comparing the performance of the four
different algorithms we discussed for the maximum subsequence sum problem.
Here are the details:
- Implement the four algorithms (maxSubSum1, maxSubSum2,
maxSubSum3, maxSubSum4) from the Weiss textbook (pages 52-58) exactly as
written. You will need to implement your own max3 function, which is needed
to complete maxSubSum3.
- Write a test driver code called test_driver.c
which has a main() function that will allow
you to (i) load an arbitrary input array from a text file (to be specified
as an argument to the program), (ii) run each algorithm on the input array, and (iii) report their
respective running times (the timing should not include the initial
input load time). Report time in microseconds.
- You should test all the four algorithms on varying
input sizes: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. For each size, test on 10
different inputs and use the average of these running times for the plots.
- How to generate the input: To generate inputs for these
different sizes, use the program
gen_random_arr.c which generates a specified number ("#samples")
of random arrays, each with positive or negative
integers in the range of -9 to +9 for a user-specified input size ("n").
You need to compile the code on your machine. (Please read the code to
understand what it is doing.) Let us assume gen_random_arr be the
name of the executable you created. Then the program can be used as follows:
gen_random_arr {specify array size} {#samples}
for e.g., "gen_random_arr 8 10" will generate 10
different random arrays each with 8 elements. The arrays will be stored and
available for use in 10 different files which will be named as:
input_8_0.txt, input_8,1.txt, input_8_2.txt, ...., input_8_9.txt.
Use these files for your testing.
- In each run of your test, you should output:
- the name of the algorithm (maxSubSum1,maxSubSum2,
maxSubSum3, maxSubSum4);
- the size of the input sequence (n);
- the final result (maximum subsequence sum); and
- the total time taken by the algorithm (not including
the input loading time).
For Windows:
For Unix:
- Plots: Use the above test results and plot the total running
times for all 4 algorithms (on Y axis) against each of the input sizes from
8 to 1024 (on X axis). Create a single plot for all the four algorithms so that
you are able cross-compare their behavior. Use legends to show which curve
is for which algorithm. You must electronic tool such as matlab, gnuplot or
excel to create the plot. Hand-drawn plots will not be accepted.
In a separate document (Word or PDF), compile the following sections:
A: Problem statement. In 1-2 sentences state the goal(s)
of this exercise.
- B: Experimental setup.
- Specify the machine architecture (CPU, clock speed, RAM) where all
the testing was conducted.
- Mention whether you used Windows or Unix or
Mac OS X for your testing.
- How many experiments were performed
and averaged, to determine each point in your plot?
C: Experimental Results: In this section,
include the following:
The plots from the above test results
Are the observations made in the above plots as per your theoretical
expectations? If so, why, and if not, why not? Explain.
___ Cover sheet
___ A separate folder containing all your source
code (including the main function you used for testing)
___ Report
___ Both the above zipped into another folder
archive called Program2<YourLastName>.zip