Pleiades Cluster Usage Instructions:

Basic system configuration:

Pleiades is a 64-core cluster. The cluster contains 8 nodes, each with 8 Intel Xeon E5410 cores @ 2.33GHz, and with 4 GB of shared RAM. The compute nodes are labelled n000[0-7]. The MPI implementation used is OpenMPI.

Logging in: ssh into with your WSU login credentials. You will need to use your WSU net id and password. If it doesn't work, contact the cluster system admin ( and make sure you copy me in the email.

Compiling an MPI program:

To compile your code, simply use "mpicc -o <executable_name> <program_name(s)>".  For instance, "mpicc -o helloworld helloworld.c"

If your code uses C++, then you can use the mpiCC or mpic++ commands. One of them (or both) should work. 

Running an MPI job:

The cluster uses the SLURM workload manager. You need to use this manager to launch jobs on the cluster. Using this manager ensures that each job is pushed onto the batch queue system. The manager will figure out what nodes and what cores to use. You just specify the number of nodes, number of processes, and the executable (along with any related arguments).

Most useful SLURM commands:
squeue: to monitor the status of the queue
sbatch: to launch a job
scancel: to cancel a job

Here is how to run an MPI job. Let's pretend that the present working folder is the one that contains the executable "helloworld".

Step 1) You need to create a job script first (or modify existing one as needed) with these two lines:

mpirun  <executable file's absolute path>

Here is an example job script:
Please make sure you give read and execute permissions to the world. Command "chmod 755". Also fix the path of the executable as per your directory structure. The above example job script is configured to run the MPI helloworld program on 8 processors (i.e., p=8).

Step 2) Next, you need to use the SLURM command sbatch to launch the job script. The command line syntax is as follows:

sbatch -N <number_of_nodes> -n <number_of_processes>

For example, if you want to run the MPI helloworld program on 8 processes, on up to 4 compute nodes,  then you will say "sbatch -N 4 -n 8".

(Note:  The -N argument cannot exceed 8 since the cluster has only 8 nodes.)

As soon as you launch this job, the command will return with a job id number. For instance, "Submitted batch job 9" means the job id is 9. Each time you launch a job you will get a different job id number.

Other valid sbatch command options:

sbatch -N <number_of_nodes> -n <number_of_processes> 
sbatch -N <number_of_nodes> -c 1 (one process per core, default is one process per node)
sbatch -n <number_of_processes> -c 1 (one process per core and enough nodes run the requested number of processes)

You can monitor the job status by performing the following command:
This will show your job (if its still running) and also mention what compute nodes are being used. 

If for some reason you want to cancel a job when the job is still running, the command to use is:

After completion of the job, the standard output will be available in the file with the default name "slurm-<jobid>.out" - for instance, "slurm-9.out". This will be available in the present working folder from where you launched the job. You can rename the output file to whatever you want if you wish. (It may also contain any of the stderr messages but I am not sure of that as I haven't checked that.)

More details about all the SLURM commands can be found here:

Special note:

The system will reserve -N<number> of nodes for your task and run -n<number> tasks over the set of reserved nodes. Tasks will be distributed among all of your reserved nodes equally unless you specify more advanced parameters. You can check this by running the top command on the individual compute nodes (mentioned in the squeue output). 


The most common mistake students do at the start of the course is to simply run the program on the head/login node. Running jobs directly on the login nodes is prohibited. You have to use the SLURM queue to submit your jobs as instructed above, and this pushes the job to the compute nodes which share the same home directory and shared file system as the login node - so all your compiled code and data files and their paths will be valid when the jobs execute there. You are allowed to  only compile the code on the login node.