CptS 423 - Software Design Project II (Spring 2016)


Instructor: SakireArslan Ay

Office: EME 102D

Email: arslanay[at] eecs . wsu .edu

Phone: (509) 335-4089

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 10am-11am, EME 102D

Teaching Assistant: James Irwin

Office: Dana Hall 3

Email: james.irwin@wsu.edu

Office Hours: TBA



[11.01.2016] Welcome to CptS 423!


Senior design courses allow senior-level students to integrate their software engineering knowledge and produce a useful engineering artifact. Students practice major activities in software development process, including communication, planning, modeling and design, construction, and deployment. It serves as a final preparation for students entering into industry. Students get experience in working as teams, participating in project planning and scheduling, writing reports, giving presentations, and dealing with uncertainties in a professional manner. This is a two-semester senior design sequence. The first semester (CptS 421) is a three-credit course in which the design teams are formed; mentors are interviewed; and the design process and project development are started. A series of assignments are completed that results in written documents, audio/visual presentations, and an alpha prototype implementation. The second semester (CptS 423) is a three-credit course in which the latter phases of the project is documented, project design is completed and tested, and the final software product is presented to external constituencies such as industry representatives, other students, and faculty in general.


During the CptS 421course, students will engage in projects that require them to perform all steps in the software engineering lifecycle. Outcomes of instruction include:

Prerequisites:"Cpts 323 Advanced Data Structures"


Academic Integrity

Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this course. All work submitted for grading is to be original. Material submitted that is not original must be cited as described in technical writing text books. Any student caught cheating on any assignment will be given an F grade for the course and will be reported to the Office Student Standards and Accountability. Cheating is defined in the Standards for Student Conduct WAC 504-26-010 (3). It is strongly suggested that you read and understand these definitions.”.

Students with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations are available for students with documented disability. If you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit the Access Center (Washington Building 217) to schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor. All accommodations MUST be approved through the Access Center. Additional information can be viewed at the URL http://drc.wsu.edu

Campus Safety

The Campus Safety Plan, which can be found at http://safetyplan.wsu.edu, contains a comprehensive listing of university policies, procedures, statistics, and information relating to campus safety, emergency management, and the health and welfare of the campus community. The left side bar at this safety plan homepage contains many important links to safety information.