=== Run information === Evaluator: weka.attributeSelection.WrapperSubsetEval -B weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -F 5 -T 0.01 -R 1 -E DEFAULT -- -C 0.25 -M 2 Search: weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -D 1 -N 5 Relation: ChemicalSHCombinedAtmo1-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-R1-2 Instances: 162 Attributes: 50 ALevelDiningRoom ALevelKitchen ALevelMainEntryway ALevelMasterBathroom ALevelMasterBedroom ALevelMasterLivingRoom ALevelMasterOffice ALevelOtherBathroom ALevelOtherHallway ALevelOtherLivingroom ALevelUtilityRoom HLabelBathe HLabelBed_Toilet_Transition HLabelCook HLabelEat HLabelEnter_Home HLabelLeave_Home HLabelPersonal_Hygiene HLabelRelax HLabelSleep HLabelTake_Medicine HLabelWash_Dishes HLabelWork HTKitchen HTMainEntry HTMasterBathroom HTMasterBedroom HTMasterLivingRoom HTMasterOffice HTOtherLivingRoom HTUtility WDBedroomAWindowA WDBedroomAWindowB WDBedroomBWindow WDBedroomBWindowA WDBedroomBWindowB WDDiningRoomAWindowAA WDDiningRoomAWindowAB WDDiningRoomAWindowBA WDDiningRoomAWindowBB WDEntrywayBDoor WDEntrywayCDoorA WDEntrywayCDoorB WDEntrywayDDoor WDMainDoor WDOfficeAWindowAA WDOfficeAWindowAB WDOfficeAWindowBA WDOfficeAWindowBB In_m71_ppb Evaluation mode: evaluate on all training data === Attribute Selection on all input data === Search Method: Best first. Start set: no attributes Search direction: forward Stale search after 5 node expansions Total number of subsets evaluated: 368 Merit of best subset found: 0.454 Attribute Subset Evaluator (supervised, Class (nominal): 50 In_m71_ppb): Wrapper Subset Evaluator Learning scheme: weka.classifiers.trees.J48 Scheme options: -C 0.25 -M 2 Subset evaluation: classification accuracy Number of folds for accuracy estimation: 5 Selected attributes: 4,26,30 : 3 ALevelMasterBathroom HTMasterBathroom HTOtherLivingRoom