University of Texas at Arlington
Computer Science Engineering
Spring 2006

CSE 5311 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Distance Section


In this class we will cover a number of ideas and techniques useful for designing and analyzing data structures and algorithms. In particular, we will introduce techniques for analyzing upper bounds for algorithms and lower bounds for problems. Problem areas include sorting, graphs, dynamic programming, combinatorial algorithms, computational geometry, encryption, parallel models, and NP-Completeness.


The prerequisites for this class are Data Structures (CSE 2320) and Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE 3315). Please contact the CSE graduate advisor, Dr. Yerraballi (, if you have questions about the prerequisites or your technical background.


The textbook for this class is Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition, MIT Press, 2001. This book can be purchased directly from the publisher at

Instructor Information

The instructor for this online class is Diane Cook. She can be reached by email at or by phone at (817) 272-3606. The TA for this class is Arjun Dasgupta. Arjun can be reached by email at and will hold regular office hours Thursdays from 3 to 5 in 100 Engineering Office Building. If you need to physically meet with somebody on campus, please set up an appointment with myself or the TA.

Diane Cook is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Cook received her B.S. from Wheaton College in 1985, and her M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1987 and 1990, respectively. Dr. Cook's research interests include artificial intelligence, machine planning, machine learning, data mining, robotics, and parallel algorithms for artificial intelligence.


The grade distribution for this class is shown below. With the first quiz you will be asked to provide a pseudonym consisting of six letters and/or digits. This pseudonym can be used throughout the remainder of the semester to verify your scores and compare your weighted semester total with the class average.

Grading: 8 Quizzes 75%
  2 Programs 25%

Course Details

  1. Assigned readings are from the course textbook and should be completed by the dates listed on the schedule. You should read the introductory material at the beginning of each chapter whose sections are referred to in the assigned readings. With the new edition of the book there may be some differences between the content in the book and the content on line. You are responsible for all materials presented in the on line lecture notes.

  2. Video lectures are available on CD in the Engineering Library. You are welcome to borrow the CDs and make a copy for yourself, but please do not distribute copies of the CDs.

  3. There will be eight 30 minute closed book quizzes throughout the semester. Quizzes cover primarily the material introduced since the previous quiz, but may reference earlier material. Quizzes are tentatively scheduled for Wednesdays at 1:00 in Nedderman Hall 315, but may be moved based on the needs of the majority of the class. All students who live within one hour of campus must take quizzes on campus. Those students who live more than an hour from campus may contact Dr. Cook about alternative methods of taking the quizzes.

  4. All work in this class must be done individually. If you use material found on the web, reference any and all material you use. Anyone cheating on work in this class will receive a failing grade for the work and will be subject to the university's academic dishonesty policy. Cheating involves giving assistance or receiving assistance on work assigned in this class. If you have any questions regarding an assignment or a quiz, see the instructor or teaching assistant.

  5. Make sure you have an account on omega (, the computer offered by ACS. This is the machine on which all programs will be implemented. Programs can be written in any language but must be able to be compiled and run on omega. Programs should be submitted by email to the TA by midnight on the due date. To obtain an account on Omega or ask questions about machine usage, please consult

    If you encounter difficulties using this machine or have questions, send email to or call ACS directly at (817) 272-2208.

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