(50 points) Your presentation should be a total of 15 minutes, including time
for questions. Your presentation should be created using Microsoft PowerPoint
or web-based materials and should be delivered using the laptop and LCD
projector. Try to arrive a few minutes early to class to make sure your
presentation is loaded onto the machine. Strive to make the presentation as
interesting and relevant as possible.
My suggestion for presentation topics is to select a current AI issue
If you select a topic
not on this site, send me mail for approval on the topic at least one week
before the scheduled presentation.
Follow the following tips for good presentations.
Do not put too much text per slide and use big fonts - pictures are more
interesting than a lot of words.
Do not read your slides. Face the audience and paraphrase the ideas,
using the material on the slide as a reminder.
Understand everything you are presenting. Be able to explain in detail
the material you are presenting.
Your presentation will be graded on content quality, delivery, coverage of
topic, knowledge of topic, length of presentation,
and critical assessment (express your own opinions and ideas) of topic.
Topics. Here are some choices of topics. Feel free to suggest topics
of your own interest.