October 29

* Computing Functions with TMs

  We are interested here in computability, not efficiency

  We use unary or binary notation for input and output

  - i is represented by 0^i
  - i can also be represented in binary with 0s and 1s
  - M(i) = output of M when given input i
  - if i0^i |-*M k_halt 0^j then we say M(i) = j
  - Every TM computes some function IN -> OUT
    (which may not be defined on all arguments)
  - We can represent multiple arguments  as
    0^i1 1 0^i2 1 ... 1 0^in

* Example

  Addition of two unary numbers

  000001000   Add 5 to 3 to get 00000000 = 8

  The TM simply finds the separating "`", replaces it with a "0", then replaces
  each "0" with "0" while moving right until the blank is encountered.  It ehn
  backs up one cell and erases the last (rightmost) "0".

* Example

  Proper substruction (monus)

  m -. n = m-n   if m-n>=0
	    0    otherwise

  M "computes" function f if, for all w in Sigma*, M(w) = f(w).
  A function f is "recursive" if there is a Turing machine M that computes f.

* Extensions of TMs

  - Multiple Tracks
  - Two-Way Infinite Tape
  - Multiple Tapes
  - Nondeterministic TMs
  - Multidimensional TMs

  - Multiple Tracks

    Suppose we extend the definition of TM and allow "multiple tracks" - the
    tape is partitioned into some finite # of tracks, each individually
    readable/writeable.  The read/write head points to one column of all tracks.

    TM with 4 tracks
    1 |0|1|1|0| | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
    2 |$|1|0|0|1| | | | | | | | | | | | ...
    3 |a|b|b|c|a|a|a| | | | | | | | | | ...
    4 | | |2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...

    This TM is easily simulated by a single-track TM that has a funny alphabet
    containing symbols of the form


    The transition function delta can be constructed to ignore portions of the
    symbol in which it is not interested,

    so to change the bottom track from b to c (and move L) would include
    transitions of the form

             +-+        +-+
             |x|        |x|
             +-+        +-+
    delta(k, |y|) = (k, |y|, L)   forall x, y, z
             +-+        +-+
             |z|        |z|
             +-+        +-+
             |b|        |c|
             +-+        +-+

    This extension does give us some flexibility.

       Add binary numbers (of same length)

       Input:  | $ |a1 |a2 |...| # |b1 |b2 |...|bn |  ai, bi in {0,1}

       Pre-processing stage
	  Go to last non-blank symbol bi, remember it (erase it) and return to
	     leftmost symbol ai and replace it with
	     +--+.  Repeat.
                                                  a1 a2 ... an
       At end of pre-processing stage, input is $ b1 b2     bn

       New addition is easy - start at right, and move left adding and using
       finite control for the carry bit.

		  +-------+<-------------+ +-+     +-+     +-+  
		  |Carry=0|              | |0|     |1|     |0|
		  +-------+--------------+ +-+/0,L +-+/1,L +-+/1,L
		  |       ^                |0|     |0|     |1|
		  |       |                +-+     +-+     +-+
		  |       |
		  |       |
        +-+       |       |   +-+
        |0|       |       |   |1|
        +-+ / 1, L|       |   +-+ / 0, L
        |0|       |       |   |1|
        +-+       |       |   +-+
		  v       |
		  +-------+<-------------+ +-+     +-+     +-+
		  |Carry=1|              | |1|     |0|     |1|
		  +-------+--------------+ +-+/0,L +-+/0,L +-+/1,L
					   |0|     |1|     |1|
					   +-+     +-+     +-+

	  If in state Carry=1 and $ is encountered, replace $ with 1 and go
	  to k_halt.  Final configuration is k_halt w, where w is
	  n+1-bit pattern for the sum.

	  If in state Carry=0 and $ is encountered, shift left one cell.


      Check off symbols in 0^n 1^n
      Just use two tracks

	 |0|   One to store input
	 |X|   One to check off symbols

   Because we can simulate multitrack TM with a TM with one track, we have shown
   that adding tracks does not increase the power of a TM.

   - Two-Way Infinite Tape

     ...|  |  |  |a1|a2|...|an|  |  |  |...
		  TM starts here at first cell of input word

     To simulate a TM with 2-way infinite tape using a
		   TM with 1-way infinite tape:

     1) Use two tracks

	   | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| ...
	   | 0|-1|-2|-3|-4|-5| ...


     2) Alternate cells

	   | 0|-1| 1|-2| 2|-3| 3| ...


     3) Whenever TM being simulated wants to move left (past $), we shift over
	by 1 to make more room

	+--+--+--+             +--+--+--+--+
	| $|a1|a2| ...    =>   | $|  |a1|a2| ...
	+--+--+--+             +--+--+--+--+

   - Multitape TMs

     These are much easier to program.  After showing that a single tape can
     simulate a multitape, TM, we may use this model at will.

     A k-tape M has k different 2-way-infinite tapes and k read/write heads.

     Input initially on Tape 1; Tapes 2, ..., k-1, k are blank

     Single move:  Read k symbols under read heads
		   Print k new symbols (possibly different) on tapes
		   Move k heads (possibly different directions)

     Transitions are of the form
	delta(k, a1, ..., ak) = (k', b1, .., bk, D1, ..., Dk)

	From state s with ai scanned on Tape i, change ai to bi and move
	in direction Di for each i = 1, 2, ,,, k.


	L accepted by k-tape TM => L accepted by 1-tape TM

	If M is a k-tape TM, there exists M' with 1 tape that simulates M
	   using 2k tracks

	Track 2i contains contents of Tape i of M, 1<=i<=k.

	Track 2i + 1 contains marker under cell scanned on Tape i of M.

	If M has 2 tapes, configuration is

		       |0|1|1|0|1|               Tape 1

		       |0|1|1|0|1|               Tape 2

	Then M' with 1 tape (4 tracks) looks like

	     |0|1|1|0|1| | |
	     | | |X| | | | |
	     |0|1|1|0|1| | |
	     | |X| | | | | |

	A single move of M is simulated by many moves of M'.

	1.  Sweep from leftmost symbol on tape that contains a checkmark across
	    to rightmost symbol that contains checkmark, recording in finite
	    control the k symbols scanned under different heads.

	    (must "count" up to k in finite control)

	    Implementation:  Start in state    (k "?" symbols)
	       indicating that we do not yet know what the k symbols scanned
	       by M are.

               When we see, for example,
	       | |
	       | |
	       +-+ we change from state  to 
	       +-+ because we know tape 2 contains a 1 under the read/write head
	       | |
	       | |

	2.  After all the "?" symbols are replaced with information about cells
	    scanned by M, state is something like .

	    Now sweep back to the left, making changes as dictated by
	    M's transition function.  This involves changing the scanned symbol
	    and possibly moving the head.

	    Note that a move of the head to the right will require more work.

   - Nondeterministic TMs

     For a deterministic TM |delta(s,a)| <= 1.

     For a nondeterministic TM delta(s,a) is a finite set of possibilities.
     NTM accepts with if there exists a sequence of moves leading to some
     accepting (halting) state.

     Note that extra tapes, two way tapes, etc. do not increase power of NTMs.

     L accepted by NTM M <=> there exists M' s.t. DTM accepts L.

   - Multidimensional TMs

     Multitrack TM with an infinite number of tracks


     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+   2 dimensional TM
     | | | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | |
     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ->
     | | | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | |

     Operates on a grid of k dimensions

     The input is written along the first axis initially.

     The transition function delta specifies directions
	{L,R,U,D} for 2 dimensions
     for k dimensions, it specifies one of 2k directions.

     Theorem:  forall k, if L is accepted by k-dim TM, then L is accepted by
	       1-dim TM

     Proof:  Only finite amount of cells used at any point.  In x moves, the
	     head can not move outside of a k-dimensional hypercube of side
	     length x.

	     "Linearize" the cube by computing offsets similar to manner in
	     which arrays are stored in memory

	       | 1| 2| 3| 4|  The numbers in this 2-dimensional TM tape
	       +--+--+--+--+  indicate location in "linear" memory where
	       | 5| 6| 7| 8|  cell is stored.
	       | 9|10|11|12|

	     If the TM moves outside of the current cube, redo everything for a
	     larger cube (double cube size, recompute offsets, lay out contents
	     linearly based on new offsets).

   - Multihead TM

     No additional computability power.
     Can simulate with standard TM.
     Use tracks in a way similar to the k-tape TM argument.

   - Random-Access TM

     Read section in book

* Review Exam Topics