General Information Relating to Programs

Due Dates:

Unless prior arrangements have been made with your instructor (not your TA), assignments submitted late will not be accepted without a verified medical excuse from a doctor, or statement of significant personal hardship or disability verified by either the Undergraduate Computer Science Office or the Dean of Students. The TAs do not have the authority to accept late programs.

Back Up Your Work!

Because no work may be submitted late, it is critically important that you keep a backup copy of your program as you work. A corrupted diskette or a hard drive crash will not be considered a valid excuse for turning in a program late. If you normally save to a diskette, be sure to make a back up on a second diskette. Backing up to the same diskette is useless. If the diskette is corrupted, both copies will be gone. If you normally back up to the hard drive, keep a copy on a diskette as well. If your hard drive crashes, a second copy on the hard drive will be gone as well as the original. Back up your program each time you make a significant change or fix a bug.

Compilation and Execution Requirements:

You must assume that the TA who grades your program will assemble and run it, so be certain that your program compiles and runs under the Borland Turbo C compiler used in the lab. This means that if you are developing your programs at home (or elsewhere) using a different compiler, or a different version of the compiler, you must   ensure that it compiles and runs using the compiler provided in the lab. I strongly recommend that you use the Turbo C compiler for development, since you may find that you must debug twice if you use another compiler, thus extending considerably the time it takes you to write a working program.

Allocation of Points:

There are three basic types of points: content points, documentation points, and style points. The TAs may also choose to give you bonus points for particularly elegant solutions and may subtract extra penalty points for particularly egregious mistakes.

With each program, you must include a text-only "Boasts and Confessions" file. You can use any text editor, such as Notepad or even the editor that comes with the compiler to create this file. Do not use a word processor to create a .doc file. In the event that you cannot complete an assignment, you must disclose here what the limitations of your program are. For instance, if your program does not compile, you must state that. Similarly, you must list any parts of your program that do not work. If you have a partial solution to your program, it is your responsibility to demonstrate that the rest of your program does work. This means that you may need to substitute stubs or drivers for non-working subroutines so that your program assembles and runs. A stub is a function that does not perform any computation but simply prints a message stating the name of the function and returns an arbitrary value of the appropriate type. A driver is a function that calls working functions only. You must supply a data set which by-passes the non-running part(s) of your program. If you believe that the non-working part of your program is the result of a relatively minor error, you may submit the relevant subroutines (along with any stubs or drivers that you have inserted in their place to get your program to run) for partial credit, but please be sure that you have organized and labeled your submissions clearly.

If you add extra functionality to a program beyond what the specifications require, or if you believe that you have come up with a particularly clever and/or elegant method of performing all or part of the tasks contained in your program, be sure to mention it in this section as well. The TAs are not likely to go searching for things deserving of bonus points, so do a little bragging so they can find your shining moments easily!

If you feel that your program works fine, but that you have done nothing extra, then this file should say just that. There is no special format for this file. You can think of it as an informal "note" to your TA telling him or her about your program.


The TA will have a great deal of work to do when programs are submitted. If you waste his or her time by failing to turn in a boasts and confessions file, omitting important information from your "confessions", or by turning in files that are not well organized and properly named, he or she has the authority to deduct penalty points beyond those that the quality of work itself warrants.


Issues addressed here include the following:


Documentation consists of two types: external and internal. External documentation is the written material describing the program. Internal documentation is the documentation that is included as part of your source code file. You are also expected to use self-documenting code (meaningful identifiers and clear and simple algorithms wherever possible, etc.).