C Calculate the period of pendulum as given in problem 14 on page C 109 of Nyhoff and Leestma. The angle of displacement and C pendulum length are entered by the user. C C John Schneider C CptS 203, HW 2, problem 1 C------------------------------------------------------------------------- program pndulm implicit none C..... C period = period of pendulum swings (s) C alpha = angle of pendulum (entered in degrees) C length = length of pendulum (cm) C g = acceleration due to gravity, 980.0 cm/s^2 C..... real period, alpha, length, g, pi parameter (g=980.0) pi = acos(-1.0) print *, 'Enter the length (in cm) of the pendulum.' read *, length print *,'Enter the angle (in degrees) of the pendulum.' read *, alpha alpha = alpha*pi/180.0 period = 2.0*pi*sqrt(length/g)*(1.0 + sin(alpha/2)**2/4.0) print *, 'The period is ',period,' seconds.' stop end