What is
useful commands
Redirection, Metacharacters, and Pipes
Reading: The Unix Programming Environment, Chapter 1
- Just what makes a system
"Unix" anyway?
- Officially
"branded" by SCO?
- Note that Linux and
FreeBSD are not "branded Unix."
- A timesharing system
with certain features?
- Is it the kernel, or the command line utilities as well?
- Can you come up with
a definition that distinguishes Unix from
Windows 2000 with the Cygwin
package installed?
- Geof
Allen’s wife uses MacOS X, but never uses the
command line. Is she a Unix user?
- The authors of The Unix Programming Environment allow for various
interpretations and say, in essence, if it looks like a duck and you feel
like calling it a duck, go ahead and call it a duck.
- They expect you to
figure out from the context what "Unix" means in any particular
- Whatever you call it, Unix can be rather intimidating, but an understanding
of some fundamental philosophies and familiarity with a handful of
commands (i.e. passing this course) will help you tap its power.
- Remember that Unix was designed by programmers for programmers, so
many of its features are there to help programmers.
- Unix
is a multiuser system (meaning that many
different users may use the same system), so users must identify
- Authentication (proving who
you are) is done with a login name and a password.
- Protecting your password
is important because it's the "key" to who you are on the
- After successfully
authenticating yourself, some setup is done in the background (using shell
scripts, which we'll talk about later in the semester), and you are given
a "shell prompt".
- This is the place
where you give Unix commands and get results back
- Note that we're talking
about a text login here. GUI login is a bit different.
- Commands are entered by
typing them at the command line.
- An end of line (entered with
the return key) tells Unix (actually your shell)
to go ahead and interpret the line of text, and do whatever it says.
- Simple examples
- Shows the current
date and time
- Shows who is
currently logged in
- Shows the last
number of users to log in
- This is actually
useful sometimes!
(For varying degrees of
- This command is a
simple way to send a message to someone else.
- Think of it as a 1970s
version of instant messaging.
- Allows you to read
"man pages"
- The term "man
page" refers to the days when the Unix
manual was printed, and each command or system call got its own page (or
often pages), thus it was a "man page."
- The same reference
was provided in electronic form, and the same name stuck
- Standard format
- More reference than
- Iterate!
- Read the man page
- Try the command
- Read the man page
again, understand a little more
- Try the command
- etc.
- Use man -k to look
for commands
- Use the "See
also" section to find other related commands; sort of a primitive
hypertext system
- You will use this
often, to check on the existence of files and view their metadata
(permissions, modification time, etc).
- If you don't already
know it, spend some time to get familiar with the format of ls -l.
- A couple of nice
"view a screen of text at a time" utilities. less is more capable than more.
- let you view just
the beginning or ending of a file
- Shows you the
differences between two files, in a format that seems cryptic until you
understand it.
- “Echoes” (prints)
the command line to the output output
- You should be familiar with
the commands in Table 1.1 on page 22 of The Unix
Programming Environment.
- The Unix
Programming Environment discusses the use of the '#' and '@'
characters for undoing mistakes in your typing. That is archaic and dates
from the days before 101-key keyboards, specifically before the control
key was common.
- Nowdays,
typing '#' and '@' probably gives you a '#' or an '@'
- The book also says you can
cancel most commands with the delete or break keys
- This is probably
"^C" on whatever system you're using
- "^C" is
the conventional way to write "control-C", i.e. hold down the
control key and type "C".
- Pay no attention to
what the book says about reading or sending mail
- Once upon a time,
the mail command, as
described in the book was the only way to do it.
- Trust me, you'd
rather use pine, elm, mutt, or just about any other mail command
- This was a simple
way to inform users of things they ought to know
- That function is now
performed by email
- Do not confuse the news command with "netnews" aka.
- The Unix Programming Environment describes ed as "universally available,
efficient, and effective." Read up on it only to have a laugh at the
old-timers who actually had to use ed on a daily basis.
- We'll get into each of
these topics when we get to Chapter 3
- It might be worth reading
the discussion here in Chapter 1, to get ready for the full discussion in
Chapter 3.
- The treatment here is very
brief, but the things mentioned here, especially stty, are still useful.
- For some sadistic reason,
the computer world has burdened us with two different possible characters
coming from the "backspace" key, and you will eventually
encounter a system that uses the opposite one from what you're using.
- The stty erase command is your key to
dealing with this
- The book talks about
changing .profile to
customize your setup.
- That is true for the
Bourne Shell, and others derived from it
- Korn
Shell (ksh), Bourne-Again Shell (bash), etc.
- C-shell (csh) and it's derivatives use .login
- You start a Unix session by
logging in, you end it by logging out
- The book says
"^D" is the best way to log out.
- But "exit"
and/or "logout" also work, and are preferred by some shells