Source Configuration Management
1 - Copies of files
2 - Source Management Tools
Tool 1
Tool 2
Reading: None
- How do you keep straight
production vs. development code?
- How can you easily refer back
to a previous version of a piece of code?
- If several people are working
together on the same code, how can you keep straight who is editing what?
- What if two people want
to make changes to the same file?
- You could do all of this just
by making appropriate copies of files.
- Easy to do - no special
software required.
- Can take a bit of disk space.
- But you can compress
- Doesn't address the
concurrency issue.
- Barney and Betty both
start editing foo.c, perhaps by making copies.
- Barney finishes first,
and replaces foo.c with his version.
- Then Betty finishes
and replaces foo.c with her version.
- Her version does not
have Barney's changes.
- Unless Barney has a
copy somewhere, his changes are lost.
- The tools handle the
versioning for you.
- They also support "check
out" and "check in" operations.
- You can only make
changes if the file is "checked out" to you
- Now you know who can
edit the file, and you know what changes will be made
- Usually support branching
- Handy for maintaining
parallel development lines
- Can merge branches
back together if you want/need to.
- Store versions in some sort
of compact format, usually something like diff.
- RCS (Revision Control System)
was developed in 1982 by Walter Tichy.
- Tried to provide a better
solution that some of the existing solutions.
- One thing RCS did differently
was how it stored files
- Previous tools stored
a base version and diffs to produce newer versions.
- RCS stores most recent
version and diffs to produce previous versions.
- The RCS "database"
for a file is stored in "filename,v" (either in the current
directory or (recommended) in a subdirectory called RCS)
- Collection of tools.
- "check in"
a file
- ci filename
- Check in filename,
giving it the next higher version number from the "current"
- Check in filename,
and immediately check it out.
- Check in filename,
and immediately check it out, locking it.
- "check out"
a file
- co filename
- Check out the file
(you get a read-only copy, and have no right to check in changed
- Check out and lock
the file (you have the exclusive right to submit changes to the file)
- What's the difference
between two different versions?
- Output looks like the
output of diff.
- Merge two different
- List the revision
history of a file
- Manage the RCS file
- Stands for "Concurrent
Versions System"
- Started in 1986 as a set of
shell scripts which used RCS as a backend.
- Converted to C and updated
many times since then.
- What follows is a fairly
broad, high-level overview of what CVS is and does
- Some features of CVS:
- Handles multiple
users, multiple branches, and remote access
- Doesn't require check
out/check in operations
- Forces you to merge in
any other changes when you do a "commit" (roughly equivalent to
a check in)
- Unlike RCS, cvs is a
single command, with various instructions that it understands
- cvs checkout
- Enables you to check
out a "module"
- A module is a
collection of files that are referred to by a name
- CVS forces you to
reconcile changes when you checkin
- Enables you to save
your changes back to the "official" repository
- CVS starts an editor
for your log message
- Refreshes your copies
of the source with what's in the repository
- Places an existing
directory (with sources, presumably) into a new cvs repository
- Tag a certain set of
revisions with a particular identifier
- To get from version
1.0 of your product to version 1.1, some files might go through 3
revisions, while others might have none.
- The version number of
a particular file doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the
version of the software product that file is part of
- Branching is
conceptually similar to in RCS
- The tag command is
used with a "-b" option to create the branch
- The branch can then be
checked out, or the current working source can be assigned to be the
source for the branch
- cvs checkout -r to check out the
- cvs update -r to make the current
working source be the branch
- Often, a branch is
made to fix bugs in a previous release
- That fix should be in
the next release as well
- cvs update -j followed by the name
of the branch will merge in differences from the branch
- One of the strengths
of CVS is how it handles multiple users
- In RCS, only one user
can work on a file at a time
- If two different
people both need to make changes to the same file, one will have to wait
- Barney and Betty, the
CVS version
- Barney and Betty both
are working on a file.
- They start with a cvs checkout to get the current
- Barney finishes
first, and does a cvs commit
of his changes
- Now Betty finishes,
and does a cvs commit
- CVS will tell her
that there has been a change since she started
- Betty runs a cvs update to update her source
- Betty's version of
the file now contains markers identifying parts of the file that are
from her change and from the committed change
- It is Betty's
responsibility to reconcile the changes and then do her commit
- Chapter 10 of the CVS
manual has a good example of this in action