/* * @(#)HtmlDocWriter.java 1.26 98/02/24 * * Copyright 1997, 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc., * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Sun. */ package com.sun.tools.doclets; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.text.MessageFormat; /** * Class for the Html Format Code Generation specific to JavaDoc. * This Class contains methods related to the Html Code Generation which * are used by the Sub-Classes in the package com.sun.tools.doclets.standard * and com.sun.tools.doclets.oneone. * * @since JDK1.2 * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Robert Field */ public abstract class HtmlDocWriter extends HtmlWriter { /** * All the user given options on the command line. */ public static Configuration configuration; /** * Constructor. Initializes the destination file name through the super * class HtmlWriter. * * @param filename String file name. */ public HtmlDocWriter(String filename) throws IOException { super(configuration.destdirname + filename, configuration.docencoding); configuration.message.notice("doclet.Generating_0", configuration.destdirname + filename); } public HtmlDocWriter(String path, String filename) throws IOException { super(configuration.destdirname + path, filename, configuration.docencoding); configuration.message.notice("doclet.Generating_0", configuration.destdirname + ((path.length() > 0)? path + fileseparator: "") + filename); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position of the link in the file. Character '#' is not * needed. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Boolean that sets label to bold. */ public void printHyperLink(String link, String where, String label, boolean bold) { print(getHyperLink(link, where, label, bold, "")); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position of the link in the file. Character '#' is not * needed. * @param label Tag for the link. */ public void printHyperLink(String link, String where, String label) { printHyperLink(link, where, label, false); } /** * Print Html Hyper Link. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position of the link in the file. Character '#' is not * needed. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Boolean that sets label to bold. * @param stylename String style of text defined in style sheet. */ public void printHyperLink(String link, String where, String label, boolean bold, String stylename) { print(getHyperLink(link, where, label, bold, stylename)); } /** * Return Html Hyper Link string. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position of the link in the file. Character '#' is not * needed. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Boolean that sets label to bold. * @return String Hyper Link. */ public String getHyperLink(String link, String where, String label, boolean bold) { return getHyperLink(link, where, label, bold, ""); } /** * Get Html Hyper Link string. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param where Position of the link in the file. Character '#' is not * needed. * @param label Tag for the link. * @param bold Boolean that sets label to bold. * @param stylename String style of text defined in style sheet. * @return String Hyper Link. */ public String getHyperLink(String link, String where, String label, boolean bold, String stylename) { StringBuffer retlink = new StringBuffer(); retlink.append(""); if (stylename.length() != 0) { retlink.append(""); } if (bold) { retlink.append(""); } retlink.append(label); if (bold) { retlink.append(""); } if (stylename.length() != 0) { retlink.append(""); } retlink.append(""); return retlink.toString(); } /** * Print link without positioning in the file. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param label Tag for the link. */ public void printHyperLink(String link, String label) { print(getHyperLink(link, "", label, false)); } /** * Get link string without positioning in the file. * * @param link String name of the file. * @param label Tag for the link. * @return Strign Hyper link. */ public String getHyperLink(String link, String label) { return getHyperLink(link, "", label, false); } /** * Print the name of the package, this class is in. * * @param cd ClassDoc. */ public void printPkgName(ClassDoc cd) { print(getPkgName(cd)); } /** * Get the name of the package, this class is in. * * @param cd ClassDoc. */ public String getPkgName(ClassDoc cd) { String pkgName = cd.containingPackage().name(); if (pkgName.length() > 0) { pkgName += "."; return pkgName; } return ""; } /** * Print some part of the Html file header. * * @param title Title of this HTML document. */ public void printPartialHeader(String title) { println(""); println(""); html(); head(); print(""); title(); println(title); titleEnd(); headEnd(); } /** * Print the appropriate spaces to format the class tree in the class page. * * @param len Number of spaces. */ public String spaces(int len) { String space = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { space += " "; } return space; } /** * Print the closing </body> and </html> tags. */ public void printBodyHtmlEnd() { println(); bodyEnd(); htmlEnd(); } /** * Calls {@link #printBodyHtmlEnd()} method. */ public void printFooter() { printBodyHtmlEnd(); } /** * Print closing </html> tag. */ public void printFrameFooter() { htmlEnd(); } /** * Print ten non-breaking spaces("&nbsp;"). */ public void printNbsps() { print("          "); } /** * Get the day and date information for today, depending upon user option. * * @return String Today. * @see java.util.Calender * @see java.util.GregorianCalendar * @see java.util.TimeZone */ public String today() { if (configuration.nodate) { return "TODAY"; } Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault()); return calendar.getTime().toString(); } }