/* * @(#)PackageWriter.java 1.30 98/08/18 * * Copyright 1997, 1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc., * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Sun. */ package com.sun.tools.doclets.standard; import com.sun.tools.doclets.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; /** * Class to generate file for each package contents in the right-hand * frame. This will list all the Class Kinds in the package. A click on any * class-kind will update the frame with the clicked class-kind page. * * @author Atul M Dambalkar */ public class PackageWriter extends AbstractPackageWriter { /** * The prev package name in the alpha-order list. */ protected PackageDoc prev; /** * The next package name in the alpha-order list. */ protected PackageDoc next; /** * Constructor to construct PackageWriter object and to generate * "package-summary.html" file in the respective package directory. * For example for package "java.lang" this will generate file * "package-summary.html" file in the "java/lang" directory. It will also * create "java/lang" directory in the current or the destination directory * if it doesen't exist. * * @param path Directories in this path will be created if they are not * already there. * @param filename Name of the package summary file to be generated, * "package-frame.html". * @param packagedoc PackageDoc under consideration. * @param prev Previous package in the sorted array. * @param next Next package in the sorted array. */ public PackageWriter(String path, String filename, PackageDoc packagedoc, PackageDoc prev, PackageDoc next) throws IOException, DocletAbortException { super(path, filename, packagedoc); this.prev = prev; this.next = next; } /** * Generate a package summary page for the right-hand frame. Construct * the PackageFrameWriter object and then uses it generate the file. * * @param pkg The package for which "pacakge-summary.html" is to be * generated. * @param prev Previous package in the sorted array. * @param next Next package in the sorted array. */ public static void generate(PackageDoc pkg, PackageDoc prev, PackageDoc next) throws DocletAbortException { PackageWriter packgen; String path = DirectoryManager.getDirectoryPath(pkg); String filename = "package-summary.html"; try { packgen = new PackageWriter(path, filename, pkg, prev, next); packgen.generatePackageFile(); packgen.close(); packgen.copyDocFiles(path); } catch (IOException exc) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage. error("doclet.exception_encountered", exc.toString(), filename); throw new DocletAbortException(); } } /** * Generate class listing for all the classes in this package. Divide class * listing as per the class kind and generate separate listing for * Classes, Interfaces, Exceptions and Errors. */ protected void generateClassListing() { generateClassKindListing(packagedoc.interfaces(), getText("doclet.Interface_Summary")); generateClassKindListing(packagedoc.ordinaryClasses(), getText("doclet.Class_Summary")); generateClassKindListing(packagedoc.exceptions(), getText("doclet.Exception_Summary")); generateClassKindListing(packagedoc.errors(), getText("doclet.Error_Summary")); } /** * Generate specific class kind listing. Also add label to the listing. * * @param arr Array of specific class kinds, namely Class or Interface or * Exception or Error. * @param label Label for the listing */ protected void generateClassKindListing(ClassDoc[] arr, String label) { if(arr.length > 0) { Arrays.sort(arr); tableIndexSummary(); printFirstRow(label); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { boolean deprecated = arr[i].tags("deprecated").length > 0; if (Standard.configuration().nodeprecated && deprecated) { continue; } if (!isCoreClass(arr[i])) { continue; } trBgcolorStyle("white", "TableRowColor"); summaryRow(15); bold(); printClassLinkForSameDir(arr[i]); boldEnd(); summaryRowEnd(); summaryRow(0); if (deprecated) { boldText("doclet.Deprecated"); space(); printSummaryDeprecatedComment(arr[i].tags("deprecated")[0]); } else { printSummaryComment(arr[i]); } summaryRowEnd(); trEnd(); } tableEnd(); println(" "); p(); } } /** * Print the table heading for the class-listing. * * @param label Label for the Class kind listing. */ protected void printFirstRow(String label) { tableHeaderStart("#CCCCFF"); bold(label); tableHeaderEnd(); } /** * Print the package comment as specified in the "packages.html" file in * the source package directory. */ protected void printPackageComment() { if (packagedoc.inlineTags().length > 0) { anchor("package_description"); h2(getText("doclet.Package_Description", packagedoc.name())); p(); printInlineComment(packagedoc); p(); } } /** * Print the package description and the tag information from the * "packages.html" file. */ protected void printPackageDescription() throws IOException { printPackageComment(); generateTagInfo(packagedoc); } /** * Print one line summary cooment for the package at the top of the page and * add link to the description which is generated at the end of the page. * * @param heading Package name. */ protected void printPackageHeader(String heading) { navLinks(true); hr(); h2(getText("doclet.Package") + " " + heading); if (packagedoc.inlineTags().length > 0) { printSummaryComment(packagedoc); p(); bold(getText("doclet.See")); br(); printNbsps(); printHyperLink("", "package_description", getText("doclet.Description"), true); p(); } } /** * Print the navigation bar links at the bottom also print the "-bottom" * if specified on the command line. */ protected void printPackageFooter() { hr(); navLinks(false); printBottom(); } /** * Copy the "doc-files" directory contents from the source package directory * to the generated documentation directory. For example for a package * java.lang this method find out the source location of the package using * {@link SourcePath} and if "doc-files" directory is found in the source * directory structure, copy the entire directory, to the generated * documentation hierarchy. * * @param path The sourcepath. */ protected void copyDocFiles(String path) throws DocletAbortException { SourcePath sourcePath = new SourcePath( Standard.configuration().sourcepath); String docfilesdir = path + fileseparator + "doc-files"; File sourcedir = sourcePath.getDirectory(docfilesdir); if (sourcedir == null) { return; } String destname = destdir; if (destname.length() > 0 && !destname.endsWith(fileseparator)) { destname += fileseparator; } String src = sourcedir.toString(); String dest = destname + path + fileseparator + "doc-files"; try { File srcdir = new File(src); File destdir = new File(dest); DirectoryManager.createDirectory(dest); String[] files = srcdir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File srcfile = new File(srcdir, files[i]); File destfile = new File(destdir, files[i]); if (srcfile.isFile()) { notice("doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1", srcfile.toString(), destdir.toString()); Standard.copyFile(destfile, srcfile); } } } catch (SecurityException exc) { throw new DocletAbortException(); } catch (IOException exc) { throw new DocletAbortException(); } } /** * Print "Use" link for this pacakge in the navigation bar. */ protected void navLinkClassUse() { navCellStart(); printHyperLink("package-use.html", "", getText("doclet.navClassUse"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } /** * Print "PREV PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar. */ protected void navLinkPrevious() { if (prev == null) { printText("doclet.Prev_Package"); } else { String path = DirectoryManager.getRelativePath(packagedoc.name(), prev.name()); printHyperLink(path + "package-summary.html", "", getText("doclet.Prev_Package"), true); } } /** * Print "NEXT PACKAGE" link in the navigation bar. */ protected void navLinkNext() { if (next == null) { printText("doclet.Next_Package"); } else { String path = DirectoryManager.getRelativePath(packagedoc.name(), next.name()); printHyperLink(path + "package-summary.html", "", getText("doclet.Next_Package"), true); } } /** * Print "Tree" link in the navigation bar. This will be link to the package * tree file. */ protected void navLinkTree() { navCellStart(); printHyperLink("package-tree.html", "", getText("doclet.Tree"), true, "NavBarFont1"); navCellEnd(); } }