CS 445 Digital Image Processing

K. Sivakumar
Tel: 335 4969 Email: siva@eecs.wsu.edu
Office Hours: Tu Th 12:00 - 1:15 p.m., or by appointment (EME 403)
Lecture Hours: Tu Th 1:25 - 2:40 p.m. (Sloan 9)

Teaching Asst.

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Sample Questions from previous exams and some problems from text: sample_questions.pdf

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Matlab IP Toolbox User guide:

You can access the HTML version from the Mathworks site or download the entire guide as a PDF file (almost 11 MB).

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Questions or Comments about this page: K. Sivakumar

This page was created on Jan.22, 2002; last update was on Jan. 31

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