* The first line is always a comment line. * Case-insensitive * Control .option post INGOLD=2 * Include the following file to load transistor models. .include './45nm_PTM_HP_v2.1.pm' * Supply voltage .param Vsup = 1.0V * A subckt definition for an inverter. * Format: .subckt .subckt myInv A Y VDD VSS mn1 Y A VSS VSS NMOS_HP L=45n W=50n mp1 Y A VDD VDD PMOS_HP L=45n W=75n .ends * Now, I "instantiate" two inverters. * The name of a subckt instance should begin with "X". * Format: * The order of the nodes should match the order of the ports in the subckt definition. X1 nInput n1 nVdd 0 myInv X2 n1 nOutput nVdd 0 myInv * Load cap C1 nOutput 0 10f * Power supply VVdd nVdd 0 Vsup * Input signal Vsrc nInput 0 PWL 0p 0 200p 0 210p Vsup 1n Vsup 1.01n 0 2n 0 2.01n Vsup * Transient analysis. Simulate up to 2.5ns. .tran 1p 3n .end