Wumpus World Simulator
The Wumpus Simulator is a simple framework for simulating the Wumpus World described in Russell and Norvig's textbook "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach". The main version is written in C++ and allows agents to be written in C++ or Python. But a Prolog version is also available, as are app versions (see below).
Wumpus World Simulator in C++ and Python
The Wumpus World Simulator has moved to GitHub at: https://github.com/holderlb/wumpus-world-simulator.
Wumpus World Simulator in Prolog
These Prolog versions of the wumpus world simulator were written some time ago, but should still work in modern Prologs. Version 1 stays close to the original game. Version 2 adds images of rooms and natural language hints to test vision and NLP capabilities for your agent.
Version 1.0 (released 10/01/1995) - Download
Version 2.3 (released 10/01/2011) - Download
A more recent Prolog version is maintained by Dr. Ruben Carlo Benante here.
Wumpus World Apps
App versions of the wumpus world game are available for iOS and Android, via the links below.

Happy Hunting!