Performs at 33% (HumSentAcc) on the Remedia corpus. (36% with perfect name and stem resolution)
Performs at 41% (HumSentAcc) on the Remedia corpus.
Performs at 40% (HumSentAcc) on the Remedia corpus.
Performs at 65.3% (HumSentAcc) on the Remedia Corpus (76.4% with perfect named entity resolution and coreference resolution). There are no results provided for their system's named entity resolution and coreference resolution -- the first number has named entity resolution only.
Performs at 48% (HumSentAcc) on the Remedia Corpus.
Performs at 46% (inexact) on the Remedia Corpus.
In TREC 2002, the COGEX system helped boost the LCC system's performance by 30%.