
A. Journal Publications

  1. H. Khalil and A. Saberi, ``Decentralized Stabilization on Nonlinear Interconnected Systems Using High-Gain Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 27, No. 1, February 1982.
  2. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Decentralized Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems," International Journal of Control , Vol. 36, No. 5, May 1982.
  3. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Quadratic Type Lyapunov Functions for Singularly Perturbed Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. AC-29, June 1984.
  4. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``An Initial-Value Theorem for Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems," Systems and Control Letters , July 1984.
  5. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Decentralized Stabilization of Interconnected Systems Using Output Feedback," International Journal of Control , Vol. 41, No. 6, pp.~1461-1475, June, 1985.
  6. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems-Composite Control," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. AC-30, August 1985.
  7. A. Saberi, ``Decentralization of Large-Scale Systems: A New Canonical Form for Linear Multivariable Systems," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , Vol AC-30, No. 11, November 1985.
  8. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Cheap Control Problem of a Uniform Rank System - Design by Composite Control," Automatica , Vol. 22, No.6, December 1986.
  9. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Cheap and Singular Controls for Linear Quadratic Regulators," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , Vol. AC-32, No. 3, March 1987.
  10. A. Saberi, ``Output Feedback Control with Almost Disturbance Decoupling: A Singular Perturbation Approach," International Journal of Control , Vol. 45, No. 5, May 1987.
  11. P. Sannuti and A. Saberi, ``A Special Coordinate Basis of Multivariable Linear Systems, Finite and Infinite Zero Structure, Squaring-down and Decoupling," International Journal of Control , Vol. 45, No. 5, pp.1655-1704, May 1987.
  12. A. Saberi, ``Simultaneous Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling - Part I: Uniform Rank Systems," Automatica , Vol. 23, No. 5, Sept. 1987.
  13. H. Khalil and A. Saberi, ``Adaptive Stabilization of a Class of Non- linear Systems," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , Vol. AC-32, No. 11, November 1987.
  14. A. Saberi, ``On Optimality of Decentralized Control for a Class of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems," Automatica , Vol. 24, No. 1, 1988.
  15. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Squaring Down by Static and Dynamic Compensators," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , Vol. 33, No. 4, April 1988.
  16. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Global Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems," International Journal of Control , Vol. 47, No. 3, 1988.
  17. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Time-Scale Structure Assignment in Linear Multivariable Systems by High-Gain Feedback," International Journal of Control , Vol. 49, No. 6, 1989.
  18. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Squaring Down of Non-Strictly Proper Systems," International Journal of Control , Vol. 51, No. 3, 1990.
  19. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Observer Design for Loop Transfer Recovery and for Uncertain Dynamical Systems," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control , Vol. 35. No. 8, August 1990.
  20. H. Ozcetin, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Special Coordinate Basis for Order Reduction of Linear Multivariable Systems," International Journal of Control , Vol. 52, No. 1, 191-226, 1990.
  21. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Observer-Based Control of Uncertain Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainties," International Journal of Control , Vol. 52, No. 5, 1107-1130, 1990.
  22. A. Saberi and P. V. Kokotovic and H. J. Sussmann, ``Global Stabilization of Partially Linear Composite Systems," SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1491-1503, November 1990.
  23. S. Bingulac and A. Saberi ``A C-A-D Package for Solving the Squaring- Down Problem," International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering , Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 221-231, 1990.
  24. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, S. Bingulac, and P. Sannuti, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for Non-Strictly Proper Plants," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 573-594, December 1990.
  25. A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``Adaptive High-Gain Stabilization of `Minimum Phase' Nonlinear Systems," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 595-607, December 1990.
  26. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``A New Stable Compensator Design for Exact and Approximate Loop Transfer Recovery," Automatica , Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 257-280, March 1991.
  27. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and P. Sannuti, ``Theory of LTR for Nonminimum Phase Systems, Recoverable Target Loops, Recovery in a Subspace -- Part 1: Analysis," International Journal of Control , Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1067-1115, May 1991.
  28. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and P. Sannuti, ``Theory of LTR for Nonminimum Phase Systems, Recoverable Target Loops, Recovery in a Subspace--Part 2: Design," International Journal of Control , Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 1117-1160, May 1991.
  29. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U.-L. Ly, ``Exact Computation of the Infimum in \HI-Optimization via Output Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 37, No.1, pp. 70-78, 1992.
  30. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, ``Explicit Expressions for Cascade Factorization of General Nonminimum Phase Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 358-363, March 1992.
  31. A. Saberi, H.K. Ozcetin, and P. Sannuti, ``New Structural Invariants of Linear Multivariable Systems," International Journal of Control , vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 877-900, October 1992.
  32. H. K. Ozcetin, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, ``Almost Disturbance Decoupling Problem with Internal Stability Via State or Measurement Feedback -- Singular Perturbation Approach," International Journal of Control , Vol.~55, No.~4, pp.~901-944, 1992.
  33. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``Closed-Loop Transfer Recovery with Observer Based Controllers -- Part 1: Analysis," Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 247-293, May 1992.
  34. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``Closed-Loop Transfer Recovery with Observer Based Controllers -- Part 2: Design," Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 295-348, May 1992.
  35. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, ``Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Nonminimum Phase Plant to Have a Recoverable Target Loop--A Stable Compensator Design for LTR," Automatica , Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 493-507, May 1992.
  36. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Discrete Time Systems -- Part 1: Analysis," Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 195-261, 1993.
  37. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Discrete Time Systems -- Part 2: Design," Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 263-304, 1993.
  38. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, and Uy-Loi Ly, ``Exact Computation of the Infimum in H-infinity-Optimization via State Feedback," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 17-35, March 1992.
  39. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Non-Strictly Proper Systems, Part 1---Analysis," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 59-100, March 1992.
  40. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Non-Strictly Proper Systems, Part 2---Design," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 101-144, March 1992.
  41. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``On Blocking Zeros and Strong Stabilizability of Linear Multivariable Systems," Automatica ,Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 1051-1055, 1992.
  42. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``A Non-Iterative Method for Computing the Infimum in H_infinity-Optimization," International Journal of Control , Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 1399-1418, 1993.
  43. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, M. C. Berg and U. Ly, ``Closed Loop Transfer Recovery for Discrete Time Systems," Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications , Academic Press, Vol. 56, Part 2 of 2, pp. 443-481, 1993.
  44. H. K. Ozcetin, A. Saberi, Y. Shamash, ``H_infinity-Almost Disturbance Decoupling for Non-Strictly Proper Systems -- A Singular Perturbation Approach," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 203-245, 1993.
  45. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Construction and Parameterization of All Static and Dynamic $H_2$-optimal State Feedback Controllers, Optimal Fixed Modes and Fixed Decoupling Zeros" IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 248-261, 1993.
  46. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of minimum phase nonlinear systems in special normal form via linear high-and-low-gain state feedback," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 4, pp. 353-362, 1994.
  47. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of partially stabilization of partially linear composite systems via feedback of the state of the linear part," Systems \& Control Letters , Vol. 20, pp. 199-207, 1993.
  48. B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Under Which $H_2$-optimal Control Problem Has a Unique Solution," International Journal of Control , Vol. 58, No.2, pp. 337-348, 1993.
  49. Z. Lin, B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Explicit Expressions for Cascade Factorizations of General Non-strictly Proper Systems," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 501-515, 1993.
  50. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``Characterization of All Closed-Loop Transfer Function Matrices in H_infinity-Optimization," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 565-576, 1993.
  51. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global exponential stabilization of linear systems subject to `input saturation' via linear feedbacks," Systems and Control Letters , Vol. 21, pp. 225-239, 1993.
  52. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen, P. Sannuti and U. Ly, ``Simultaneous H_2/H_infinity Optimal Control: The State Feedback case," Automatica , Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 1611-1614, 1993.
  53. B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Non-iterative Computation of the Infimum in \HI-optimization for Plants with Invariant Zeros on the $j\omega$ Axis," IEE Proceedings, Part D , Vol. 140, No. 5, pp. 298-304, 1993.
  54. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``Full And Reduced Order Observer Based Controller Design For \HT-Optimization," International Journal of Control , Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 803-834, 1993.
  55. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``A Reduced Order Observer Based Controller Design For H_infinity-Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 355-360, 1994.
  56. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and Z. Lin, ``Closed-Form Solutions to a Class of \HI-Optimization Problems," International Journal of Control , Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 41-70, 1994.
  57. B.M. Chen, A. Saberi and Y. Shamash, ``A non-recursive method for solving the general discrete-time Riccati equations related to the H_infinity control problem," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol 4, No. 4, pp. 503-519, 1994.
  58. A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B.M. Chen, ``The discrete-time \HI control problem with measurement feedback," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.457-479, 1994.
  59. B.M. Chen, A. Saberi, Y. Shamash and P. Sannuti, ``Construction and parametrerization of all Static and dynamic H_2-optimal state feedback solutions for discrete time systems," Automatica , Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 1617-1624, 1994.
  60. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of partially linear composite systems via linear dynamic state feedback," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology , Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 447-463, 1994.
  61. A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B.M. Chen, ``The discrete-time $H_\infty $ control problem with strictly proper measurement feedback", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol.~39, No.~9, pp.~1936--1939, September 1994.
  62. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global exponential stabilization of linear discrete-time systems subject to `input saturation' via linear feedbacks," Systems and Control Letters , vol. 24, pp. 125-132, 1995.
  63. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Robust semi-global stabilization of minimum-phase input-output linearizable systems via partial state and output feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 1029-1041, 1995.
  64. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``A semi-global low-and-high gain design technique for linear systems with input saturation -- stabilization and disturbance rejection," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , vol. 5, pp. 381-398, 1995.
  65. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A.R. Teel, ``Simultaneous L_p-stabilization and internal stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation -- state feedback case," Systems and Control Letters , Vol. 25, pp. 219-226, 1995.
  66. Z. Lin, R. Mantri and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global output regulation for linear systems subject to input saturation -- a low-and-high gain design," Control --- Theory and Advanced Technology Vol.~10, No.~4, Part ~5, pp.~2209-2232, December 1995.
  67. V. Venkatasubramanian, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``A notion of solutions and equilibrium points for non smooth systems," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -- Part I: Foundamental Theory and Applications , Vol. 43, No. 3, March 1996.
  68. A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A.R. Teel, ``Control of linear systems subject to input saturation." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol.~41, No.~3, pp.~368--378, March 1996.
  69. A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A. Stoorvogel, "H_2 and H_infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling Problem With Interna Stabi lity," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~6, No.~8, pp.~789-803, October 1996.
  70. A.A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, "Continuity Properties of Solutions to H_2 and H_infinity Riccati Equations, " Systems and Control Letters Vol.~27, No.~4, pp.~209-222, April 1996.
  71. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A. Stoorvogel, "Semi-global stabilization of linear discrete-time system subject to input satur ation via linear feed back-an ARE-based approach," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control . Vol.~41, No.~8, pp.~1203-1207, August 1996.
  72. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, M. Gutmann and Y. Shamash, ``Linear controller for an inverted pendulum having restricted travel -- A high-and-low gain approach," Automatica . Vol.~32, No.~6, pp.~933-937, June 1996.
  73. Z. Lin, B.M.Chen, A.Saberi and Y.Shamash, ``Explicit expressions for cascade factorizations of general non-strictly proper discrete-time systems," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -- Part I: Foundamental Theory and Applications , Vol.~43, No.~11, pp.~941-945, November 1996.
  74. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Perfect regulation for linear discrete-time systems -- A low-gain based design approach," Automatica , Vol.~32, No.~7, pp.~1085-1091, 1996.
  75. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A.R. Teel, ``Almost disturbance decoupling with internal stability for linear systems subject to input saturation -- state feedback case," Automatica , Vol.~32, No.~4, pp.~619-624, 1996.
  76. A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and A. Stoorvogel, ``$H_2$ optimal controllers with measurement feedback for continuous-time systems -- flexibility in closed-loop pole placement,'' Automatica , Vol.~32, No.~8, pp.~1201-1209, 1996.
  77. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Low-and-high gain design technique for linear systems subject to input saturation -- a direct eigenstructure assignment approach," to appear in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control .
  78. Z. Lin, A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, ``Output regulation for linear systems subject to input saturation," Automatica , Vol. 32, No.1, pp.29-47, 1996.
  79. R. Mantri, A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A. Stoorvogel, ``Output regulation for linear discrete-time systems subject to input saturation," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~7, No.~11, pp.~1003-1021, November 1997.
  80. A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and A. Stoorvogel, ``$H_2$ optimal controllers with measurement feedback for discrete-time systems -- flexibility in closed-loop pole placement," Automatica , Vol.~33, No.~3, pp.~289-304, March 1997.
  81. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``A direct method of constructing H_2 suboptimal controllers -- discrete-time systems", To be published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
  82. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``A direct method of constructing H_2 suboptimal controllers -- continuous-time systems", To be published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
  83. A. A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, "The discrete algebraic Riccati equation and linear matrix inequality," Linear Algebra and Its Applications , No.~274, pp.~317-365, 1998.
  84. . Mantri, A. Saberi and V. Venkatasubramanian, "Stability analysisof continious time planar systems with the state saturation nonlinearity," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -- Part I: Foundamental Theory and Applications , Vol.~45, No.~9, September 1998.
  85. P. Hou, A. Saberi, Z. Lin, and P. Sannuti ``Simultaneous External and Internal Stabilization for Continious and Discrete- Time Critically Unstable Systems with Saturating Actuators," Automatica , Vol.~34, No.~12, pp.~1547-1557, December 1998.
  86. P. Hou, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, "On l_p Stabilization of Strictly Unstable Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Saturating Actuatores," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~8, No.~14, pp.~1227-1236, December 1998.
  87. H. Niemann, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Exact,Almost and Delayed Fault Detection-An Observer-Based Approach," To appear in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control .
  88. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and G. Shi, "On Achieving $L_p\;(\ell_p)$ Performance with Global Internal Stability for Linear Plants with Saturating Actuators," Robustness in Identification and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences , Editors: A. Garulli, A. Tesi and A. Vicino,To appear.
  89. A. Stoorvogel, and A. Saberi, "Output Regulation of Linear Systems Subject to Amplitude Plus Rate Saturating Actuators," To appear in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control .
  90. P. Hou, A. Saberi, Z. Lin, and P. Sannuti ``Simultaneous External and Internal Stabilization for Continious and Discrete-Time Critically Unstable Systems with Saturating Actuators," Automatica , Vol.~34, No.~12, pp.~1547-1557, December 1998.
  91. P. Hou, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, "On $l_p$ Stabilization of Strictly Unstable Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Saturating Actuatores," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~8, No.~14, pp.~1227-1236, December 1998.
  92. H. Niemann, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Exact,Almost and Delayed Fault Detection-An Observer-Based Approach," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~9, No.~4, pp.~215-238, April 1999.
  93. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and R. Mantri, "An improvement to the low gain design for the discrete-time systems subject to input saturation-Solution of semi-global output regulation problems," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , (to appear).
  94. A. Saberi, P. Hou, A. Stoorvogel, "On simultaneous global external and internal stabilization of critically unstable linear systems with saturating actuators," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol.~45, No.~6, pp.~ 1042-1052, June 2000.
  95. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and R. Mantri, ``An improvement to the low gain design for discrete time linear systems subject to input saturation-solution of semi-globl output regulation problems," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~10, No.~3, pp.~117-135, March 2000.
  96. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Exact,almost,and optimal input decoupled (delayed) observers," International Journal of Control , Vol.~73, No.~7, pp.~552-581, July 2000.
  97. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, "Performance with regulation constraints," Automatica , Vol.~36, No.~10, pp.~1443-1456, October 2000.
  98. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti and H. Niemann, "Fundamental problems in fault detection and identification," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 10, No. 14, pp. 1209-1236, December 2000..
  99. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti "Inverse filtering and deconvolution," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~11, No.~2 pp.~131-156, February 2001.
  100. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti and G. Shi "On optimal output regulation for linear systems," International Journal of Control, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp. 319-333, April 2003.
  101. H. Niemann and A. Saberi and A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "Exact, almost and delayed fault detection - An observer approach," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~9, No.~4, pp.~215-238, April
  102. A. Saberi and A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "On Output Regulation For Linear Systems," International Journal of Control , (to appear)
  103. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti and H. Niemann, "Fundamental problems in fault detection and identification," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol.~10, No.~14, pp.~1209-1236, December 2000.
  104. A. Saberi, J. Han, and A. Stoorvogel "Constrained stabilization problems for linear plants," Automatica , Vol 38, No 4, pp. 639-654, April 2002.
  105. A. Stoorvogel, H. Niemann, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, "Optimal fault estimation," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 667-727, August 2002.
  106. G. Shi, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, "On the Lp ( lp) stability of neutrally stable linear systems with saturated linear control," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 735-754, February 2003.
  107. G. Shi, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Output regulation of discrete-time linear plants subject to state and input constraints," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 691-713, February 2003.
  108. A. Saberi, G. Shi, A. Stoorvogel and J. Han, "Constrained stabilization of discrete-time linear plants," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 435-461, January 2004..
  109. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, G. Shi, and P. Sannuti, "Output regulation of linear plants subject to constraints," International Journal of Control , Vol. 76, No. 2 , pp. 149-164, February 2003.
  110. G. Shi, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, "On Lp (lp) stability of neutrally stable systems with saturated linear control," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 13, No.2, pp. 735-754, February 2003.
  111. A. A. Stoorvogel, G. Shi, and A. Saberi, "External stability of a double integrator with saturated linear control laws," Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Vol. 11, No.4-5, pp. 429-451, August 2004.
  112. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and G. Shi, "Properties of recoverable region and semi-global stabilization in recoverable region for linear systems subject to constraints," Automatica, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1481-1494, September 2004.
  113. A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, G. Shi and P. Sannuti, " Semi-global stabilization of linear systems subject to non-right invertible constraints, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , ,Vol. 14, No. 5, pp.1087-1103, September 2004.
  114. S. Roy, A. Saberi, and K. Herlugson, "Formation and alignment of distributed sensing agents with double integrator dynamics," IEEE Press book: Sensor Network Operation, September 2004.
  115. A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Connections between H2 optimal filters and unknown input observers-Performance limitations of H2 optimal filtering," International Journal of Control , Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 171-183, February 2006.
  116. S. Roy, K. Herlugson and A. Saberi, "A Control-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Discrete-Valued Decision-Making in Networks of Sensing Agents" IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, (to appear).
  117. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, " Static decentralized control of a single-integrator network with Markovian sensing topology" Automatica, Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 1867-1877, November 2005.
  118. S. Roy and A. Saberi, "Using diffusive protocols for distributed MAP decision making and HMM estimation," submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
  119. S. Roy, K. Herlugson, and A. Saberi, "A control-theoretic perspective on distributed discrete-valued decision-making," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 945-958, August 2006.
  120. S. Roy, A. Saberi, and K. Herlugson, "A control-theoretic perspective on the design of distributed agreement protocols," Submitted to the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery.
  121. Y. Wan, S. Roy, A. Saberi, and B. C. Lesieutre, "A Stochastic Automaton-based Algorithm for Flexible and Distributed Network Partitioning," submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  122. S. Roy, J. Minteer, and A. Saberi, " Some new results on stabilzation by scaling," submitted to the journal of the Linear Algebra & Its Applications.
  123. A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Analysis, design, and performance limitations of H2 optimal filtering in the presence of an additional input with known frequency, " Automatica Vol. 41, pp 2115-2121, December 2005.
  124. A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Analysis, design, and performance limitations of H infinty optimal filtering in the presence of an additional input with known frequency, " International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , ,Vol. 17, No. 16, pp.1474-1488, November 2007.
  125. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and S. Weiland, "On external semi-global stochastic stabilizationof linear systems with input saturation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , (to appear).
  126. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "Scaling: A canonical design problem for networks," International Journal of Control , Vol.~80, No.~8, pp.~1342-1353, Aug. 2007.
  127. Yan wan, S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "Designing spatially-heterogeneous strategies for control of virus spread," ITE Systems Biology, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 184-201, 2008. .
  128. Yan wan, S. Roy, and A. Saberi, " A new focus in the science of networks: toward the method of design," Proceedings of the Royal Society, A. pp. 513-535, March 2008.
  129. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "A multiple-derivative and multiple-delay paradigm for decentralized controller design: uniform-rank Systems,'' submitted to Automatica.
  130. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, "A pre- + post- + feedforward compensator design for zero placement," submitted to International Journal of Control.
  131. Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, Ali Saberi, and Babak Malek, "An alternative approach to designing stabilizing compensators for saturating linear time-invariant plants," submitted to International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
  132. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "The design of multi-lead-compensators for stabilization and pole placement in double-integrator networks," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 2870-2875, Dec. 2010.
  133. Anton Stoorvogel, Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, and Ali Saberi, "A class of neutral-type delay differential equations that are effectively retarded," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
  134. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Anton Stoorvogel, and Ali Saberi, "On multiple-delay approximations of multiple-derivative controllers," submitted to Automatica.
  135. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, ''A stochastic automaton-based algorithm for flexible and distributed network partitioning,'' International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 223-246, 2008.
  136. Zheng Wen, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, ''On the dynamic stochastic disturbance respose of a saturating state-feedback-controlled double integrator," Automatica, (to appear).
  137. Zheng Wen, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, ''On the dynamic reponse of saturating static- feedback-controlled single inegrator driven by white noise," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (to appear).
  138. Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, Anton Stoorvogel, Sandip Roy, and P. Sannuti, "Semi-global stabilization of discrete-time systems subject to non-right invertible constraints ," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1234-1254, July 2010.
  139. S. Roy, Y. Wan, A. Saberi, and B. Malak, "An alternative approach to designing stabilizing compensators for saturating linear time-invariant plants," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (to appear).
  140. C. Deliu, B. Malak, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "Decentralized Control of Discrete-Time Linear Time Invariant Systems with Input saturation," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1353-1362, July 2010.
  141. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "On structural properties of the Lyapunov matrix equation for optimal diagonal solutions," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control . Vol.~54, No.~9, pp.~2234-2238, September 2009.
  142. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, S. Roy, and P. Sannuti, "Computation of the recoverable region and stabilisation problem in the recoverable region for discrete-time systems," International Journal of Control, Vol. 82 Issue 10, pp. 1870-1881, Oct. 2009.
  143. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, S. Roy, and P. Sannuti, "Semi-global stabilization of discrete-time systems subject to non-right invertible constraints," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (to appear).
  144. S. Roy, Y. Wan, A. Saberi, and B. Malak, "An alternative approach to designing stabilizing compensators for saturating linear time-invariant plants," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (to appear).
  145. S. Roy, Liang Chen, and A. Saberi, "On the information flow required for tracking control in networks of mobile sensing agents," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 9 No. 10., Sept. 2010.
  146. Anton Stoorvogel, Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, and Ali Saberi, "A class of neutral-type delay diferential equations that are effectively retarded," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 445-450, Feb. 2010.
  147. Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Yan Wan, On multiple-delay output feedback stabilization of LTI plants," International journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1299-1306, July 2010.
  148. X. Wang, A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, H. Grip, S. Roy, and P. Sannuti, "Stabilization of a class of sandwich systems via state feedback," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 2156-2160, Sept. 2010.
  149. H. Grip, A. saberi, and X. wang, "Stabilization of multiple-input multiple-output linear systemswith saturated output," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 55 No. 9, pp. 2160-2164, Sept. 2010.
  150. X. Wang, A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, H. Grip, and P. Sannuti, "Stabilization of nonlinear sandwich systems via state feedback-Discrete-time systems," International journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (to appear).
  151. T. Yang, S. Roy, Y. Wan, and A. Saberi, "Constructing consensus controllers for networks with identical general linear agents ," International journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 21, No.11, pp. 1237-1256, July 2011.
  152. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen, and A. Saberi, “Attitude estimation using biased gyro and vector measurements with time-varying reference vectors,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011. Conditionally accepted.
  153. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and H. F. Grip, “Further results on the disturbance response of a double integrator controlled by saturating linear state feedback,” Automatica, 2011. Provisionally accepted.
  154. H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. A. Johansen, “Estimation of states and parameters for linear systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations,” Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 60, No.9, pp. 771-777, 2011.
  155. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and H. F. Grip, “Control of a chain of integrators subject to input saturation and disturbances,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.
    22, no. 14, pp. 1562-1570, 2012.
  156. X. Wang, A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and P. Sannuti, “Stabilization of nonlinear sandwich systems via state feedback—discrete-time systems,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 21, no. 16 pp. 1841-1846 Nov. 2011.
  157. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, "A pre- + post- + feedforward compensator design for zero placement," International Journal of Control, vol. 83, no. 9, pp. 1839-1843, July 2010.
  158. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "A multiple-derivative and multiple-delay paradigm for decentralized controller design: uniform-rank systems," Dynamics of Continuous Dis-
    crete and Impulsive Systems, special issue in honor of Dr. Hassan Khalil's 60th birthday, pp. 883-907, Dec. 2010.
  159. Tao Yang, Sandip Roy, Yan Wan and Ali Saberi, "Constructing consensus controllers for networks with identical general linear agents," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 21,
    no. 11, pp. 1237-1256, July 2011.
  160. X. Wang, A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti, "Discrete-time H2 and H infinity low-gain theory". International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (to appear).
  161. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti, "Simultaneous global external and internal stabilization of linear time-invariant discrete-time systems subject to actuator saturation". Automatica, (to appear).
  162. X. Wang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, "Remarks on the relationship between Lp stability and internal stability of nonlinear systems". International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
    (to appear).
  163. H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. A. Johansen, "Observers for Interconnected Nonlinear and Linear Systems," Automatica, 2012, (to appear).
  164. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen, and A. Saberi, "Attitude estimation using biased gyro and vector measurements with time-varying reference vectors," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
    2012 (to appear).
  165. H. F. Grip and A. Saberi, Structural decomposition of linear multivariable systems using symbolic computations, International Journal of Control, vol. 83, no. 7, pp. 14141426, 2010.
  166. H. F. Grip, T. Yang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel. "Output consensus for networks of non-identical, non-introspective agents". Automatica, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 2444-2453, 2012.
  167. X. Wang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A. Stoorvogel. "Simultaneous external and internal stabilization of linear systems with input saturation and non-input-additive sustained disturbances,"
    Automatica, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 2633-2639, 2012.
  168. X. Wang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A. Stoorvogel. "Control of open-loop neutrally stable systems subject to actuator saturation and external disturbances". International Journal of Robust
    and Nonlinear Control, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 229-240, 2013.
  169. T. Yang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel and H.F. Grip, "Output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of introspective right-invertible agents," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear
    Control, To appear, 2013.
  170. H. F. Grip and A. Saberi, "High-gain observer design for multi-output systems: Transformation to a canonical form by dynamic output shaping," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
    Special Issue on High Gain Observers and Nonlinear Output Feedback Control, 2012.
  171. H. F. Grip, T. Yang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, "Output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of non-introspective agents," Automatica, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 2444-2453, 2012.
  172. T. Yang, A.A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, "Dynamic behavior of the discrete-time double integrator with saturated locally stabilizing linear state feedback laws , International Journal of Robust and
    Nonlinear Control," Published online on June 22, 2012.
  173. S. Roy, Y. Wan, A. Saberi and M. Xue, "Designing linear distributed algorithms with memory for fast convergence," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vo. 22, No. 15, pp. 1691-1702, October 2012.
  174. X.Wang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, H.F. Grip and T. Yang, "Synchronization in a heterogenous network of introspective right-invertible agents with uniform constant communication delay," Submitted
    to International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2013.
  175. X. Wang, A. Saberi and T. Yang, "Synchronization in heterogeneous networks of discrete- time introspective right-invertible agents," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, To
    appear, 2013.
  176. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, H.F. Grip and T. Yang, "Synchronization in a network of identical discrete-time agents with uniform constant communication delay," International Journal of
    Robust and Nonlinear Control, To appear, 2013.
  177. X.Wang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, H.F. Grip and T. Yang, "Consensus in the network with uniform constant communication delay," Automatica, To appear, 2013.
  178. T. Yang, A. A. Stoorvogel, H. F. Grip, and A. Saberi. "Semi-global regulation of output consensus for networks of non- identical, non-introspective, invertible linear agents subject to actuator saturation", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 548-566, Feb. 2014.
  179. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, "Stabilization of linear system with input saturation and unknown constant delay," Automatica, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 3632-3640, Dec.2013.
  180. Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Ali Saberi, Meirong Zhang, "Squaring down of general MIMO systems to invertible uniform rank systems via pre- and/or post-compensators," Automatica, vol. 50, no. 8, pp.2136-2141, Aug. 2014
  181. Ehsan Peymani , Havard Grip, Ali Saberi, Xu Wang, Thor I. Fossen, H1 Almost "Synchronization for Non-Identical Introspective Multi-Agent Systems under External Disturbances," Automatica, vol.50, no. 4, pp. 1026-1036, April 2014.
  182. Havard Grip, Thor I. Fossen, Tor A. Johansen, Ali Saberi, "Globally exponentially stable attitude and gyro bias estimation with application to GNSS/INS integration," Automatica, vol. 51, no. 1, pp.158-166, Jan. 2015.
  183. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, "On global external stochastic stabilization of linear systems with input saturation," Automatica, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 9-13, Jan. 2015
  184. Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation and Multiple Unknown Constant Delays, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1667-1672, June 2014.
  185. T. Yang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi and A. A. Stoorvogel, "Synchronization in networks of minimum-phase, right-invertible, non-introspective agents without exchange of controller states under switching topologies: homogenous and heterogeneous," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Submitted.
  186. T. Yang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and H. F. Grip, "Output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of introspective right-invertible agents," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear
    Control, vol. 24 no. 13 pp. 18211844, 2014.
  187. E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, and A. Saberi. "Homogeneous networks of non-introspective agents under external disturbances H infinity almost synchronization,"   Automatica, vol. 52 pp. 363-372, 2015.
  188. H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, "On the existence of virtual exosystems for synchronized linear networks," Automatica, vol. 49 no.10 pp. 31453148, Oct. 2013.
  189. R. Dhal, S. Roy, Y. Wan and A. Saberi, "Majorisations for the eigenvectors of graph-adjacency matrices," International Journal of Control, vol. 87 no. 12 pp. 2604-2614, 2014
  190. M. Zhang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi and A. A. Stoorvogel, " H infinty almost output synchronization for heterogeneous networks without exchange of controller states," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 2 no. 4 pp 348-357, Dec. 2015
  191. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and H. F. Grip, " Almost output synchronization for heterogeneous time-varying networks of non-introspective, nonlinear agents without exchange of controller states," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.26, no.17, pp. 3883-3899, 2016.
  192. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, " State synchronization of linear and nonlinear agents in time-varying networks," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, accepted.
  193. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi, " Nonlinear Observer for Attitude, Position and Velocity: Theory and Experiments," Multisensor Attitude Estimation, pp.291-313, edited by H. Fourati and D. C. Belkhia , CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), September 2016.
  194. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, " State synchronization of linear and nonlinear agents in time-varying networks," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, accepted.
  195. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Almost regulated output synchronization for heterogeneous time-varying networks of non-introspective agents without exchange of controller
    states," Submitted.
  196. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, " Synchronization in a network of identical continuous or discrete-time agents with unknown, nonuniform constant input delays," International Journal of
    Robust and Nonlinear Control, under revision.
  197. M. Zhang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, " Synchronization in the presence of unknown, nonuniform and arbitrarily large communication delay," Submitted
  198. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and M. Zhang, "Necessary condition for synchronization of homogeneous multi-agent systems and design for weakly-non-minimum-phase agents," Automatica, to appear.
  199. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, M. Zhang, and Z. Liu, "Solvability condition for synchronization of discrete-time multi-agent systems and design," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, under revision.
  200. M. Zhang, A. Saberi and A.A. Stoorvogel, Z. Liu, ``State synchronization of a class of homogeneous multi-agent systems in the presence of unknown input delays via static protocols'', European Journal of Control, Accepted 2018.
  201. A. A. Stoorvogel, D. Nojavanzadeh, Z. Liu, A. Saberi, ``Passivity Based $H_{\infty}$ and $H_2$ Almost Synchronization of Homogeneous Continuous-time Multi-agent Systems with Partial-state Coupling via Static Protocol'', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Under review .
  202. Z. Liu, A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, D. Nojavanzadeh, ``Squared-down Passivity Based State Synchronization of Homogeneous Continuous-time Multi-agent Systems via Static Protocol in Presence of Time-varying Topology'', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Under review.
  203. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, Z. Liu, D. Nojavanzadeh, ``Regulated State Synchronization of Homogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Partial-state Coupling via Low-gain Adaptive Protocol'', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Under review .
  204. Z. Liu, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, D. Nojavanzadeh, ``Regulated State Synchronization of Homogeneous Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems with Partial-state Coupling in Presence of Unknown Communication Delays'', IEEE Access, Accepted.
  205. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, Z. Liu, D. Nojavanzadeh, ``H2 and H infinty Almost Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Continuous-time Multi-agent Systems with Passive Agents and Partial-state Coupling via Static Protocol'', International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Under review .

B. Books

  1. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and P. Sannuti, Loop Transfer Recovery : Analysis and Design , Springer-Verlag, 1993.
  2. A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and B.M. Chen, H_2 Optimal Control , Prentice Hall 1995.
  3. A. Saberi A.Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, Output Regulation and Control Problems with Regulation Constraints , Springer-Verlag, 1999.
  4. A. Saberi A.Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, Filtering Theory With Application to Fault Detection and Isolation,, Birkhauser 2006.
  5. A. Saberi A.Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, Inernal and Extenal Stabilization of Linear Systems With Constraints , Birkhauser June 2012.
  6. A. Saberi A.Stoorvogel M. Zhang and P. Sannuti, Synchronization in Presence of Disturbance and Delay, (In Preparation).

C. Chapters in Books

  1. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Quadratic-Type Lyapunov Functions for Singularly Perturbed Systems," IEEE Press Book: Singular Perturbation in Systems and Control , Edited by P. V. Kokotovic and H. Khalil, March 1986.
  2. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems-Composite Control," IEEE Press Book: Singular Perturbation in Systems and Control , Edited by P. V. Kokotovic and H. Khalil, March 1986.
  3. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Observer-Based Control of Uncertain Systems with Linear Uncertainties," IEEE Press Book: Recent Advances in Robust Control , Edited by P. Dorato and R. K. Yedavalli.
  4. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, `` Perfect Regulation of Linear Multivariable Systems--- A Low-and-High Gain Design, Workshop on Advances in Control and its Applications, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences , Proceedings of Workshop on Advances in Control and its Applications, Vol.208, pp.173-192, edited by H. K. Khalil, J. H. Chow, and P. A. Ioannou; Series editor: M. Thoma, 1996.
  5. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and G. Shi, "On Achieving $L_p\;(\ell_p)$ Performance with Global Internal Stability for Linear Plants with Saturating Actuators," Robustness in Identification and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences , Editors: A. Garulli, A. Tesi and A. Vicino,1999.
  6. G. Shi, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Output regulation of linear plants subject to input and state constraints," Marcel Dekker book: Actuator Saturation Control , Editors: V. Kapila and K. Grigoriadis, Marcel Dekker, February 2002.
  7. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, Ciprian Deliu, and P.Sannuti, "Decentalized stabilization of linear time invariant systems subjet to actuator saturation," Springer Verlag book: ''Advanced strategies in control systems with input and output constraints'' in the series ``Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (LNCIS)'', Editors: Sophie Tarbouriech,A.H. Glattfelder, and G. Garcia , Springer-Verlag June 2006.
  8. S. Roy, Yan Wan, and A. Saberi, "A flexible algorithm for sensor network partitioning and self-partitioning problems," Proceeding of the 2nd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS 2006), Venice, Itay,July 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4240.
  9. S. Roy, Liang Chen, and A. Saberi, "On the formation flow required for tracking control in networks of mobile sensing agents," Proceeding of the 2nd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS 2006), Venice, Itay,July 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4240.
  10. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen and A. Saberi, \ Nonlinear Observer for Attitude, Position and Velocity: Theory and Experiments," Multisensor Attitude Estimation, pp.291-313, edited by H. Fourati and D. C. Belkhia , CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), September 2016.
  11. S. Roy, A. Saberi, and K. Herlugson, “Formation and alignment of distributed sensing agents with double-integrator dynamics and actuator saturation,” IEEE Press monograph Sensor Network Operations, Jan. 2006.

D. Book Reviews

  1. A. Saberi, ``Review of The $H infinity Control Problem: A State Space Approach, by A. A. Stoorvogel," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 252-254, 1994.

E. Conference Publications

  1. H. Khalil and A. Saberi, ``Decentralized Stabilization on Nonlinear Interconnected Systems Using High-Gain Feedback," Proceedings of the Joint Automatic Control Conference , 1981.
  2. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Quadratic Type Lyapunov Functions for Singularly Perturbed Systems," Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1981.
  3. A. Saberi, ``Applications of a Stability Criterion for Singularly Perturbed Systems," Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication , Control, and Computing, October 1982.
  4. A. Saberi and H. Khalil ``Two-Time-Scale Feedback Design of Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Systems," Proceedings of the 1983 American Control Conference , June 1983.
  5. A. Saberi, ``Robust Decentralized Control for Nonlinear Interconnected System Using Optimal Control," Proceedings of the American Control Conference , June 1984.
  6. A. Saberi, ``Output Feedback Control with Almost Disturbance Decoupling Property: A Singular Perturbation Approach," Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Decision and Control , December 1984.
  7. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Multiple Time-Scale Decomposition of a Nonlinear Cheap Control Problem," (invited paper) Proceedings of the American Control Conference , June 1985.
  8. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Adaptive High-gain Feedback Control," Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , October 1985.
  9. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Cheap and Singular Controls for Linear Quadratic Regulators," Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1985.
  10. A. Saberi, ``Simultaneous Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling - Part I: Uniform Rank Systems," Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1985.
  11. P. Sannuti and A. Saberi, ``On Triangular Decoupling of Linear Multivariable Systems," Proceedings of the 1986 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , March 1986.
  12. A. Saberi and H. Khalil, ``Adaptive Stabilization of SISO Systems with Unknown High-Frequency Gains," Proceedings of the 1986 American Control Conference , June 1986.
  13. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Squaring Down by Static and Dynamic Compensators," Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing , October 1986.
  14. H. Khalil and A. Saberi, ``Adaptive Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems," Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1986.
  15. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Multiple Time-Scale Structure Assignment for Linear Multivariable Systems: Singular Perturbation Approach," Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1986.
  16. P. Sannuti and A. Saberi, ``A Special Coordinated Basis of Multivariable Linear Systems-Finite and Infinite Zero Structure," Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1986.
  17. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Global Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems," Proceedings of the 1987 American Control Conference , June 1987.
  18. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``High-Gain Observers for Loop Transfer Recovery," Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1987.
  19. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Special Coordinate Basis for Order Reduction of Linear Multivariable Systems," Proceedings of the 1988 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , March 1988.
  20. A. Saberi, ``Observer Design for Loop Transfer Recovery and for Uncertain Dynamical Systems," (invited paper) Proceedings of the 1988 American Control Conference , June 1988.
  21. A. Saberi, ``On Simultaneous Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling" Proceedings of the 1988 American Control Conference , June 1988.
  22. A. Saberi, ``Time Varying High-Gain Feedback," Proceedings of the 1988 American Control Conference , June 1988.
  23. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Time-Scale Structure Assignment in Linear Multivariable Systems by High-Gain Feedback," Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1988.
  24. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Observer-Based Control of Uncertain Systems with Nonlinear Uncertainties," (invited paper) Proceedings of the 1989 American Control Conference , June 1989.
  25. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Almost Disturbance Decoupling with Internal Stability Via Measurement Feedback for a Class of Nonlinear Systems," Proceedings of the 1989 American Control Conference , June 1989.
  26. H. Ozcetin, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Special Coordinate Basis for Order Reduction of Linear Multivariable Systems," Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1989.
  27. B. M. Chen, S. Bingulac and A. Saberi, ``A C-A-D Package for LTR Design Via Asymptotic Eigenstructure and Time-Scale Structure Assignment," Proceedings of Twenty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing , September. 1989.
  28. A. Saberi, P.V. Kokotovic and H. J. Sussmann, ``Global Stabilization of Partially Linear Composite System," Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1989.
  29. A. Saberi, P.V. Kokotovic and H. J. Sussmann, ``On Global Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems," SIAM Conference on Control in the 90's: Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges , May 1989.
  30. A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Observer Design for Loop Transfer Recovery and for Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Parameter Uncertainties - Nonstrictly Proper Plants," IFAS Workshop on Singular Perturbation Methods in Systems and Control , August 1989.
  31. A. Saberi, ``Global Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems," (invited paper), NSF-UC-NASA Workshop on Nonlinear Control , April 5-7, 1990.
  32. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``A New Stable Compensator Design for Exact and Approximate Loop Transfer Recovery," Proceeding of the 1990 American Control Conference , May 1990.
  33. A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``Adaptive High-Gain Stabilization of 'Minimum-Phase' Non-linear Systems," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December, 1990.
  34. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen, and P. Sannuti, ``Theory of LTR for Nonminimum Phase Systems, Recoverable Target Loops, Recovery in a Subspace -- Part I: Analysis," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December, 1990.
  35. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, S. Bingulac, and P. Sannuti, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for Non-Strictly Proper Plants," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December, 1990.
  36. H. K. Ozcetin, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti, ``Almost Disturbance Decoupling Problem with Internal Stability Via State or Measurement Feedback -- Singular Perturbation Approach," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December, 1990.
  37. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, and Uy-Loi Ly, ``Exact Computation of the Infimum in H infinity Optimization Via State Feedback," Proceedings of The Twenty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 1990.
  38. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, Uy-Loi Ly, and Y.S. Ebrahimi, ``Design of Localizer Capture and Track Hold for a Transport Airplane: An H infinity/LTR Approach," Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Design and Control , December 1990.
  39. A. Saberi, H.K. Ozcetin, and P. Sannuti, ``New Structural Invariants of Linear Multivariable Systems," Presented at SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra, Signals, Systems Control , November 1990.
  40. A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``Global Stabilization with Almost Disturbance Decoupling of Single-Input-Single-Output Nonlinear Systems Using Output Feedback," Proceedings of 1991 American Control Conference , June 1991.
  41. A. Saberi, H.K. Ozcetin, and P. Sannuti, ``New Structural Invariants of Linear Multivariable Systems," Proceedings of 1991 American Control Conference , June 1991.
  42. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``Closed-Loop Transfer Recovery with Observer Based Controllers---Part I: Analysis," Proceedings of 1991 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 1991.
  43. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``Closed-Loop Transfer Recovery with Observer Based Controllers---Part II: Design," Proceedings of 1991 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 1991.
  44. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``An Exact Algebraic Solution of the Infimum in H$^\infty $-Optimization with Output Feedback," Proceedings of 1991 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 1991.
  45. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``A Reduced Order Observer Based Controller Design For H infinity Optimization," Proceedings of 1991 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 1991.
  46. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen ``Characterization of All Closed-Loop Transfer Function Matrices in H infinity Optimization," Proceedings of the 29th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing , October 1991.
  47. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and Z. Lin, ``Closed-Form Solutions for A Class of H infinty Optimization Problems --- A Non-ARE Approach," Proceedings of the 29th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing , October 1991.
  48. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Nonminimum Phase Plant to Have a Recoverable Target Loop -- A Stable Compensator Design for LTR," Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1991.
  49. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and U. Ly, ``A Non-Iterative Method for Computing the Infimum in H infinity Optimization," Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1991.
  50. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ``On Blocking Zeros and Strong Stabilizability of Linear Multivariable Systems," Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1991.
  51. H. K. Ozcetin, A. Saberi, Y. Shamash, ``H infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling for Non-Strictly Proper Systems -- A Singular Perturbation Approach," Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1991.
  52. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Construction and parameterization of all static and dynamic H_2 optimal state feedback solutions," decoupling zeros," Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , March 1992.
  53. A. Stoorvogel, Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``Full Reduced Order Observer Based Controller Design for H infinity optimization," Proceedings of 1992 American Control Conference , June 1992.
  54. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Discrete Time Systems --- Part 1: Analysis," Proceedings of 1992 American Control Conference , June 1992.
  55. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Loop Transfer Recovery for General Nonminimum Phase Discrete Time systems --- Part 2: Design," Proceedings of 1992 American Control Conference , June 1992.
  56. B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Non-iterative Computation of the Infimum in H infinity optimization for Plants with Invariant Zeros on the $j\omega$ Axis," Proceedings of 1992 American Control Conference , June 1992.
  57. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen, P. Sannuti and U. Ly, ``Simultaneous H_2/H_infinity Optimal Control: The State Feedback Case," Proceedings of 1992 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 1992.
  58. A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``Simultaneous Stabilization of A Family SISO Nonlinear Systems via Output Feedback Control," Presented at the World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis , Melbourne, Florida, August 19-26, 1992.
  59. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, ``Linear Systems Toolbox: Syetem Analysis and Control Design in the Matlab Environment," To be presented at the 1st IEEE Conference on Control Applications , September 1992.
  60. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. Shamash, ``Construction and Parameterization of All Static and Dynamic H_2-optimal State Feedback Controllers, Optimal Fixed Modes and Fixed Decoupling Zeros" Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  61. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-Global Stabilization of Minimum-Phase Nonlinear Systems in Special Normal Form via Linear High-and-Low-Gain State Feedback," Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  62. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of partially stabilization of partially linear composite systems via feedback of the state of the linear part," Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  63. B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Under Which H_2-optimal Control Problem Has a Unique Solution," Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  64. Z. Lin, B. M. Chen and A. Saberi, ``Explicit Expressions for Cascade Factorizations of General Non-strictly Proper Systems," Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  65. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen and Z. Lin, ``Explicit Closed-Form Solutions to A Class of H infinity Optimization Problems," Proceedings of 31th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1992.
  66. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen, P. Sannuti and U. Ly, ``Simultaneous H_2/H_infinity Optimal Control: The State Feedback case," Proceedings of 1993 American Control Conference , June 1993.
  67. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of partially linear composite systems via linear high-and-low-gain state feedback," Proceedings of 1993 American Control Conference , June 1993.
  68. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and Y. Shamash , ``A non-recursive method for solving the general discrete time algebraic Riccati equation related to the H_infinity control problem," Proceedings of 1993 American Control Conference , June 1993.
  69. A. Saberi, B. M. Chen, P. Sannuti and U. Ly , ``Simultaneous $H_2$/$H_\infty$ optimal control: The state feedback case," Proceedings of the IFAC Automatic Control 12th Triennial World Congress , Sydney, Australia, Volume 2, pp.~487--490, July 1993.
  70. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Robust semi-global stabilization of minimum-phase input-output linearizable systems via partial state and output feedback," invited paper, Proceeding of the Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 1993.
  71. A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B.M. Chen, ``The discrete-time H_infinity control problem with measurement feedback," Proceedings of MTNS , 1993.
  72. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global exponential stabilization of linear systems subject to `input saturation' via linear feedbacks," Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1993.
  73. V. Venkatasubramanian, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``A notion of solutions and equilibrium points for non-smooth systems," Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1993.
  74. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global stabilization of partially linear composite systems via linear dynamic state feedback," Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1993.
  75. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi, Y. Shamash and P. Sannuti , ``Construction and parameterization of all static and dynamic H_2 optimal state feedback solutions for discrete time systems," Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1993.
  76. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and Y. Shamash , ``Necessary and sufficient conditions under which a discrete time H_2 optimal control problem has a unique solution," Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1993.
  77. A. Saberi and Z. Lin, ``Simultaneous stabilization of a family of SISO nonlinear systems via output feedback control," Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference , June 1994.
  78. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global exponential stabilization of linear discrete-time systems subject to `input saturation' via linear feedbacks," Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference , June 1994.
  79. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Robust semi-global stabilization of minimum-phase input-output linearizable systems via partial state and output feedback," Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference , June 1994.
  80. Z. Lin, B.M. Chen, A. Saberi and U.-L. Ly, ``Simultaneous H2/H_infinity optimal control for discrete-time systems: the state feedback case," Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference , June 1994.
  81. A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and B.M. Chen, ``The discrete-time H_infinity control problem with strictly proper measurement feedback", Proceedings of the 1994 American Control Conference , June 1994.
  82. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A.R. Teel, ``Simultaneous L_p stabilization and internal stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation -- state feedback case," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1994.
  83. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A.R. Teel, ``Almost disturbance decoupling with internal stability for linear systems subject to input saturation -- state feedback case," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1994.
  84. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and A. Stoorvogel, ``Semi-global stabilization of linear discrete-time systems subject to input saturation via linear feedback -- an ARE-based approach," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1994.
  85. R. Mantri, V. Venkatasubramanian and A. Saberi, ``An investigation of simple nonsmooth power system models," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1994.
  86. A.A. Stoovogel and A. Saberi, ``The discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations and linear matrix inequality," Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1994.
  87. A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A.R. Teel, ``Control of linear systems subject to input saturation." Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference , June 1995.
  88. Z. Lin, R. Mantri and A. Saberi, ``Semi-global output regulation for linear systems subject to input saturation -- a low-and-high gain design," Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference , June 1995.
  89. A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A Stoorvogel, ``H_2 almost disturbance decoupling problem with internal stability," Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference , June 1995.
  90. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, M. Gutmann and Y. Shamash, ``Linear controller for an inverted pendulum having restricted travel -- A high-and-low gain approach," Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference , June 1995.
  91. V. Venkatsubramanian, A. Saberi, and R. Mantri, ``On the existence uniqueness of solutions for nonsmooth systems," Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference , June 1995.
  92. A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, ``Continuity properties of solutions to $H_2$ and $H_\infty $ Riccati equations," In Proceeding of the 1995 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1995.
  93. R. Mantri, A. Saberi, Z. Lin and A. Stoorvogel, ``Output regulation for linear discrete-time systems subject to input saturation," Proceeding of the 1995 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1995.
  94. A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and A. Stoorvogel, ``H_2 optimal controllers with measurement feedback for continuous-time systems -- flexibility in closed-loop pole placement,'' Proceeding of the 1995 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1995.
  95. J.L. Stoustrup, H. Niemann and A. Saberi, ``Robust H_infinity almost disturbance decoupling" Proceeding of the 1995 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1995.
  96. A.A. Stoorvogel, and A. Saberi, ``H_2 And H_infinity performance with regulation constraints" Proceedings of the 1996 IFAC world Congress , July 1996.
  97. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and R. Mantri, ``An improvement to the low gain design for discrete time linear systems subject to input saturation-solution of semi-globl output regulation problems," Proceedings of the 1996 IFAC world Congress , July 1996.
  98. R. Mantri, A. Saberi and V. Venkatasubramanian, ``Stability analysisof continious time planar systems with the state saturation nonlinearity," Proceeding of the IEEE Internationa Symposium On Circuit and Systemsi , May 1996.
  99. A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and A. Stoorvogel, ``H_2 optimal controllers with measurement feedback for discrete-time systems -- flexibility in closed-loop pole placement," Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , december 1996.
  100. Z. Lin and A. Saberi, ``Low-and-high gain design technique for linear systems subject to input saturtion-a direct method," Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , december 1996.
  101. P. Hou, A. Saberi, Z. Lin, and P. Sannuti ``Simultaneous External and Internal Stabilization for Continious and Discrete-Time Critically Unstable Systems with Saturating Actuators," Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , december 1996.
  102. A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and Z. Lin, ``Genealized Output Regulation for Linear Systems," Proceeding of the 1997 American Control Conference ,June 1997.
  103. A. Saberi and A. a. Stoorvogel, ``Stabilization and Regulation of Linear Systems with Saturated and Rate-limited Actuators," Proceeding of the 1997 American Control Conference ,June 1997.
  104. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti and Y. A. Shamash, ``A direct method of constructing H2 suboptimal controllers-Continious-time systems," Proceeding of the 1997 American Control Conference ,June 1997.
  105. P. Hou, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, "On l_p Stabilization of Strictly Unstable Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Saturating Actuatores," Proceeding of the 1997 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1997.
  106. Z. Lin, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti, Y. A. Shamash, ``A direct method of constructing H2 suboptimal controllers-Discrete-time systems," Proceeding of the 1997 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1997.
  107. A. Saberi, P. Hou, A. Stoorvogel, "On simultaneous global external and internal stabilization of critically unstable linear systems with saturating actuators," Proceeding of the 1998 American Control Conference ,June 1998.
  108. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, P. Sannuti, "Performanec with regulation constraints," Proceeding of the 1998 American Control Conference ,June 1998.
  109. H. Niemann, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "Exact,almost and delayed fault detection:An oberver-based approach," Proceeding of the 1999 American Control Conference , June 1999.
  110. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "Inverse filtering and deconvolution," Proceeding of the 1999 American Control Conference , June 1999.
  111. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and G. Shi, "On Achieving $L_p\;(\ell_p)$ Performance with Global Internal Stability for Linear Plants with Saturating Actuators," Proceeding of the 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1999.
  112. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti and H. Niemann, "Fundamental problems in fault detection and identification," Proceeding of the 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1999.
  113. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "On output regulation for linear systems," Proceeding of the 1999 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 1999.
  114. H. Niemann, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, "Optimal Fault Estimation," Proceeding of the IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2000 .
  115. G. Shi, A. Saberi, and A. Stoorvogel, ``On $L_p\; (\ell_p)$ performance with global internal stability for linear systems with actuators subject to amplitude and rate saturations,'' Proceeding of the 2000 American Control Conference ,June 2000.
  116. G. Shi, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, ``Generalized output regulation for linear systems with actuators subject amplitude and rate saturations,'' Proceeding of the 2000 American Control Conference ,June 2000.
  117. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, P. Sannuti, and G. Shi, ``On optimal output regulation for linear systems - state feedback,'' Proceeding of the 2000 American Control Conference ,June 2000.
  118. A. Saberi, J. Han, and A. Stoorvogel "Constrained stabilization problems for linear plants," Proceeding of the 2000 American Control Conference ,June 2000.
  119. J. Han, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Constrained output regulation of linear plants," Proceeding of the 2000 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , December 2000.
  120. A. Saberi, G. Shi, and A. Stoorvogel, "Internal stabilization and $L_p\; (\ell_p)$ performance of constrained systems," Proceeding of the workshop on systems with time-domain constraints, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven the Netherland, September 2000.
  121. A. Saberi, J. Han, A. Stoorvogel, and G. Shi, "Constraint stabilization problem for discrete-time plants," Proceeding of the 2001 American Control Conference , June 2001.
  122. A. Stoorvogel, H. Niemann, and A. Saberi, "Delays in fault detection and isolation," Proceeding of the 2001 American Control Conference , June 2001.
  123. G. Shi, A. Saberi, A Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Constrained output regulation of discrete-time linear plants, " Proceeding of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001.
  124. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, G. Shi, and P. Sannuti, " Internal and External Lp Stabilization of Linear Systems Subject to Constraints, " Proceeding of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001.
  125. G. Shi and A. Saberi, "On The Input-To-State Stability of A Double Integrator With Saturated Linear Control," Proceeding of the 2002 American Control Conference, May 2002.
  126. G. Shi, A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, " Semi-global stabilization and output regulation of constrained linear plants via measurement feedback," Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2002.
  127. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and G. Shi, "Properties of recoverable region and semi-global stabilization in the recoverable region for linear systems subject to constraints," Proceeding of the 2003 American Control Conference , June 2003.
  128. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, G. Shi, and P. Sannuti, "Semi-global stabilization of linear systems subject to non-right invertible constraints," Proceeding of the 2003 American Control Conference , June 2003.
  129. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Analysis, design, and performance limitation of H2 optimal filtering in the presence of an additional input with known frequency," Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference, June 2004.
  130. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Connections between H2 optimal filters and unknown input observers---Performance limitations of H2 optimal filtering," Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference, June 2004.
  131. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, "Decentralized control with input saturation," Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference, June 2004.
  132. A. Stoorvogel, S. Weiland, and A. Saberi, "On stabilization of linear systems with stochastic disturbances and input saturation,"Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2004.
  133. S. Roy, A. Saberi, and K. Herlugson, " A control-theoretic perspective on the design of distributed agreement protocols," Proceeding of the 2005 American Control Conference, June 2005.
  134. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, " Static Decentralized control of single-integrator network with Markovian sensing topology,"Proceeding of the 2005 American Control Conference, June 2005.
  135. Y. Wan, S. Roy, A. Saberi, and B. C. Lesieutre, "A Stochastic Automaton-based Algorithm for Flexible and Distributed Network Partitioning," 2005 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, June 2005.
  136. A. Saberi, A. Stoorvogel, and P. Sannuti, Analysis, design, and performance limitation of H infinty optimal filtering in the presence of an additional input with known frequency," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, June 2006.
  137. Sandip Roy, Jasmine Minteer, and A. Saberi, " Some New Results on Stabilization by Scaling," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, June 2006.
  138. Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Pasha Petite Scaling: A Canonical Design Problem for Networks," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, June 2006.
  139. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, " Some further results on optimal scaling," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2006.
  140. Z. Wen, S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "On the disturbance response and external stability of a saturating static-feedback-controlled double integrator," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, July 2007.
  141. S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "Some further resultson optimal scaling," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, July 2007.
  142. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, and S. Weiland, "On external semi-global stochastic stabilizationof linear systems with input saturation," Proceeding of the 2006 American Control Conference, July 2007. .
  143. Yan Wan, S. Roy, and A. Saberi, "Network design problems for controlling virus spread," Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2007.
  144. Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Yan Wan, "On multiple-delay static output feedback stabilization of LTI plants," in Proceedings of 2008 American Control Conference, pp. 419-423, Seattle, Washington, 11-13 June, 2008.
  145. Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, and Ali Saberi, "Majorizations for the dominant eigenvector of a nonnegative matrix," in Proceedings of 2008 American Control Conference, pp. 1965-1966, Seattle, Washington, 11-13 June, 2008.
  146. Sandip Roy, James Krueger, David Rector, and Yan Wan, "A network model for activity-dependent sleep regulation," in Proceedings of 2008 American Control Conference, pp. 1400-1405, Seattle, Washington, 11-13 June, 2008.
  147. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "A multiple-derivative and multiple-delay paradigm for decentralized controller design: introduction using the canonical double integrator networks," in Proceedings of AIAA 2008 Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 18-21 August, 2008.
  148. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, Tao Yang, Mengran Xue, Babak Malek, "On the structure of graph edge designs that optimize the algebraic connectivity," In Proceeding of 2008 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  149. Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, Ali Saberi, and Babak Malek, "An alternative approach to designing stabilizing compensators for saturating linear time-invariant plants," In Proceeding of 2008 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  150. Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, and Ali Saberi, "On time-scale designs for networks," In Proceeding of 2008 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  151. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, "On External Semi-Global Stochastic Stabilization of a Double Integrator with Input Saturation ," Proceeding of the 2008 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  152. Ciprian Deliu, Babak Malek, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Decentralized Controlof Discrete-Time Linear Time Invariant Systems with Input Saturation," Proceeding of the 2009 American Control Conference.
  153. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, and Ali Saberi, "A Class of Neutral-Type Delay Di eren-tial Equations That Are E ectively Retarded," Proceeding of the 2009 American Control Conference.
  154. YanWan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton A. Stoorvogel, "The Design of Multi-Lead-Compensators for Stabilization and Pole Placement in Double-Integrator Networks Under Saturation," Proceeding of the 2009 American Control Conference.
  155. Sandip Roy, Yan Wan, Ali Saberi, and Mengran Xue, "Designing Linear Distributed Algorithms with Memory for Fast Convergence," Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  156. H. F. Grip, and Ali Saberi, "Observer Design in the Presence of Periodic Output Disturbances by Mixing of Past and Present Output data," Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  157. H. F. Grip, Ali Saberi and T. A. Johansen, "State and Parameter Estimation for Linear Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Perturbations," Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  158. Xu Wang , Anton A. Stoorvogel ,Ali Saberi, H. F. Grip, Sandip Roy , and Peddapullaiah Sannuti, "Stabilization of a Class of Sandwich Nonlinear Systems Via State Feedback," Proceeding of the 2009
    IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  159. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, and Anton Stoorvogel, "A Multiple-Derivative and Multiple-
    Delay Paradigm for Decentralized Controller Design: Uniform-Rank," Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  160. C. Deliu, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Sandip Roy, and Babak Malek, "Time Varying Controllers in Discrete-Time Decentralized Control," Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  161. H. F. Grip and A. Saberi, "Structural decomposition of linear multivariable systems using symbolic computations," Proceedings of the Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, 2009.
  162. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, Anton Stoorvogel, and Ali Saberi, "On multiple-delay approximations of multiple-derivative controllers," Proceedings of 2009 European Control Conference.
  163. Yan Wan, Sandip Roy, and Ali Saberi, "A pre- + post- + feedforward compensator design for zero placement," In Proceeding of 2010 American Control Conference, June 2010 Baltimore, MD,USA.
  164. A. Stoorvogel, Xu Wang, A. Saberi, and P. Sannuti , "Stabilization of sandwich non-linear systems with low-and-high gain feedback design," In Proceeding of 2010 American Control Conference, June 2010 Baltimore, MD,USA.
  165. Håvard Fjær Grip, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Xu Wang, and Sandip Roy, " Semiglobal Stabilization of Sandwich Systems by Dynamic Output Feedback," In Proceeding of 2010 American Control Conference, June 2010 Baltimore, MD,USA.
  166. T. Yang, A.Stoorvogel, and A. Saberi, "Issues on global stabilization of linear systems subject to actuator saturation," In the proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, PP. 231-236, Sept. 2010.
  167. T. Yang, A.Stoorvogel, and A. Saberi, " Periodic behavior of locally stabilizing saturated linear controllersvfor the discrete-time double integrator," In the proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, PP. 237-241, Sept. 2010.
  168. T. Yang, S. Roy, Y. Wan, and A. Saberi, "Constructing consensus controllers for networks with identical general linear agents ," Proceedings of 2010 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference , August 2010.
  169. H. F. Grip and A. Saberi, “High-gain observer design for domination of nonlinear perturbations: Transformation to a canonical form by dynamic output shaping,” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 2010.
  170. X. Wang, A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ”H2 and H infinty low-gain theory”, Proceedings of2011 American Control Conference , July 2011.
  171. X. Wang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, I. Saberi, ”Remarks on the relationship between Lp stability and internal stability of nonlinear systems”, Proceedings of 2011 American Control Conference, July 2011.
  172. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel and P. Sannuti, ”Simultaneous global external and internalstabilization of linear time-invariant discrete-time systems subject to actuator saturation”, Proceedings
    of 2011 American Control Conference , July 2011.
  173. A. A. Stoorvogel, X. Wang, A. Saberi and P. Sannuti, ”Control of linear systems with input saturation and matched uncertainty and disturbance”, Proceedings of 2011 American Control Conference , July 2011.
  174. T. Yang, A.A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, ”Consensus for multi-agent systems— synchronization and regulation for complex networks”, Proceedings of 2011 American Control Conference , July 2011.
  175. T. Yang, A.A. Stoorvogel and A. Saberi, ”Global stabilization of the discrete-time double integrator using a saturated linear state feedback controller”, Proceedings of 2011 American Control Conference, July 2011.
  176. H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. A. Johansen, “Observers for cascaded nonlinear and linear systems,” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, 2011.
  177. T. Yang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, and H. F. Grip, “Output consensus for networks of non-identical right-invertible linear agents,” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, 2011.
  178. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen, and A. Saberi, “Attitude estimation based on time-varying reference vectors with biased gyro and vector measurements,” in Proc. IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 2011.
  179. H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. A. Johansen, “State and parameter estimation for nonlinearly parameterized systems: An H∞-based approach,” in Proc. IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 2011Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano Italy 2011.
  180. H. F. Grip, T. Yang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, Decentralized control for output synchroniza-tion in heterogeneous networks of non-introspective agents, Proceedings of 2012 American Control
  181. [181.] H. F. Grip, T. Yang, A. Saberi, and A. A. Stoorvogel, Decentralized control for output synchroniza-tion in heterogeneous networks of non-introspective agents, Proceedings of 2012 American ControlConference.
  182. X. Wang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A. Stoorvogel, Control of linear systems with input satu-ration and non-input-additive sustained disturbances continuous-time systems, Proceedings of 2012
    American Control Conference.
  183. X.Wang, A. Saberi, H. F. Grip, and A. A. Stoorvogel, Control of linear systems with input satura- tionand non-input-additive sustained disturbances discrete-time systems, Proceedings of 2012 American Control Conference.
  184. X. Wang, H. F. Grip, A. Saberi, and T. A. Johansen, A new low-and-high gain feedback design using MPC for global stabilization of linear systems subject to input saturation, Proceedings of 2012
    American Control Conference.
  185. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, H. F. Grip, and T. Yang, Multi-agent consensus with uniform constant communication delay, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  186. T. Yang, A. A. Stoorvogel, H. F. Grip, and A. Saberi, Semi-global regulation of output consensus for networks of non-identical, invertible linear agents subject to actuator saturation, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  187. H. F. Grip, T. I. Fossen, T. A. Johansen, and A. Saberi, A nonlinear observer for integration of GNSS and IMU measurements with gyro bias estimation, Proceedings of 2012 American Control Conference.
  188. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, "Stabilization of linear system with input saturation and unknown delay," Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  189. T. Yang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel and H.F. Grip Output consensus for networks of non-identical right-invertible linear agents, Joint 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 11th European Control Conference, Orlando, U.S.A. 2011, pp. 1286-1292
  190. Havard Grip, Ali Saberi, Tao Yang, Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Output Synchronization for Heterogeneous Networks of Non-Introspective, Non-Right-Invertible Agents ," Proceedings of 2013 American Control Conference.
  191. Ehsan Peymani , Havard Grip, Ali Saberi, Xu Wang, Thor I. Fossen, " H1 Almost Synchronization for Non-Identical Introspective Multi-Agent Systems under External Disturbances," Proceedings of
    2013 American Control Conference.
  192. Havard Grip, Thor I. Fossen , Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Saberi, " Nonlinear Observer for GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation with Quaternion-Based Attitude Estimation," Proceedings of 2013 American Control Conference.
  193. Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Stabilization of Discrete-Time Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation and Multiple Unknown Constant Delays ," Proceedings of 2013 American Control Conference.
  194. Xu Wang, Ali Saberi, Tao Yang, "Synchronization in a heterogeneous network of discrete-time introspective right-invertible agents," Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference.
  195. Havard Grip, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Regulated Output Synchronization for Heterogeneous Networks of Non-Introspective, Minimum-Phase SISO Agents Without Exchange of Controller
    States," Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference.
  196. Ehsan Peymani, Havard Grip, Ali Saberi, Xu Wang, Thor I. Fossen, "H1 Almost Regulated Synchronization and H1 Almost Formation for Heterogeneous Networks under External Disturbances,"
    Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference.
  197. Tao Yang, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Karl Henrik Johansson, "Further results on saturated globally stabilizing linear state feedback control laws for single-input neutrally stable planar systems," Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference.
  198. X. Wang, A. Saberi, A. A. Stoorvogel, H.F.Grip, T. Yang, Synchronization for HomogeneouosNet-work of  Non-Introspective, Non-Right-Invertible, Discrete-Time Agents with Uni- form Constant Communication Delay Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  199. X.Wang, A. Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, H.F.Grip, T. Yang, Synchronization for Heterogeneous Network of Introspective Right-Invertible Agents with Uniform Constant Communication Delay, Proceedings of 2013IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  200. Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Ali Saberi, Meirong Zhang, "Squaring down of general MIMO systems to invertible uniform rank systems via pre- and/or post-compensators," Proceedings of 2013IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  201. E. Peymani, H. F. Grip, and A. Saberi. " H infinty almost synchronization for Homogeneous networks of  Non-introspective SISO agents under external disturbances," Proceedings of 2013IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  202. T. Yang, A.A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi and K.H. Johansson, Issues on global stabilization of neutrallystable planar systems via saturated linear state feedback control laws Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference.
  203. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi , " On global external stochastic stabilization of linear systems with input saturation," Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference.
  204. Tao Yang, Havard F. Grip, Ali Saberi, Meirong Zhang, Anton A. Stoorvogel , "Synchronization in Networks of Minimum-Phase, Right-Invertible, Non-Introspective Agents without Exchange of
    Controller States under Switching Topology: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous," Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference .
  205. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, H. F. Grip, "Synchronization in networks of weakly-non-minimum-phase, non-introspective agents without exchange of controller states ," Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference.
  206. Havard Fjr Grip, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Synchronization in Networks of Nonlinear, Non-Introspective, Minimum-Phase Agents Without Exchange of Controller States ," Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference.
  207. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, and Havard F. Grip, "H infinity Almost output synchronization for Heterogeneous Networks without Exchange of Controller States ," Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  208. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Peddapullaiah Sannuti, "Almost regulated output synchronization for heterogeneous non-introspective networks with varying graphs and without
    exchange of controller states," Proceedings of 2015 American Control Conference.
  209. Meirong Zhang*, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, "Stochastic almost output regulation for heterogeneous non-introspective networks with varying graphs and without exchange of controller states,"Proceedings of 2015 American Control Conference.
  210. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, "On global external stochastic stabilization of linear systems with input saturation," Proceedings of 2015 American Control Conference.
  211. Anton A. Stoorvogel*, Ali Saberi' "Consensus in the network with nonuniform constant communication delay," Proceedings of 2015 American Control Conference.
  212. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Exact regulated output synchronization for heterogeneous non-introspective network with switching graphs in presence of disturbance and measurement noise with known frequencies," Proceedings of 2015 American Control Conference.
  213. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, and Havard Fjr Grip, "Almost output synchronization for heterogeneous time-varying networks of non-introspective, nonlinear agents without exchange of controller states ," Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  214. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, and Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Synchronization for a network of identical discrete-time agents with unknown, nonuniform constant input delays ," Proceedings of 2015 IEEE
    Conference on Decision and Control.
  215. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, and Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Synchronization in the presence of unknown, nonuniform and arbitrarily large communication delay," Proceedings of 2016 American Control Conference.
  216. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, and Meirong Zhang, " Synchronization for heterogeneous networks of weakly-non-minimum-phase, non-introspective agents without exchange of controller states,"Proceedings of 2016 American Control Conference.
  217. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, and Anton A. Stoorvogel, " Synchronization for heterogeneous time-varying networks with non-introspective, non-minimum -phase agents in the presence of external
    disturbances with known frequencies," Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  218. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, and Meirong Zhang, " Synchronization in an homogeneous, time-varying network with nonuniform time-varying communication delays," Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  219. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, and Meirong Zhang, " Necessary condition for synchronization of homogeneous multi-agent systems and design for weakly-non-minimum-phase agents," Proceedings of  2017 American Control Conference.
  220. Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Meirong Zhang, and Zhenwei Liu, " Solvability condition for synchronization of discrete-time multi-agent systems and design," Proceedings of 2017 American Control Conference.
  221. Zhenwei Liu, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, and Meirong Zhang, " State synchronization of homogeneous continuous-time multi-agent systems with time-varying communication topology in presence of input delay," Proceedings of 2017 American Control Conference.
  222. A. A. Stoorvogel, A. Saberi, M. Zhang and F. Acciani, "H infinity and H2 almost state synchronization with full-state coupling for homogeneous multi-agent systems," Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  223. Zhenwei Liu, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Meirong Zhang, "Passivity based state synchronization of homogeneous multi-agent systems via static protocol in presence of input saturation," Proceedings of  2018 American Control Conference.
  224. Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Semi-global state synchronization for continuous or discrete-time multi-agent systems subject to actuator saturation,"Proceedings of  2018 American Control Conference.
  225. Zhenwei Liu, Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Passivity based state synchronization of homogeneous discrete-time multi-agent systems via static protocol in presence of input delay," Proceedings of  2018 American Control Conference.
  226. Zhenwei Liu, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, "Passivity based delayed state synchronization of discrete-time multi-agent systems in presence of unknown communication delays," Proceedings of  2018 American Control Conference.
  227. Zhenwei Liu, Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, \& Anton A. Stoorvogel. "Leaderless state synchronization of homogeneous multi-agent systems via a universal adaptive nonlinear dynamic protocol,"Proceedings of 2018 Chinese Conference of Decision and Control.
  228. Zhenwei Liu, Meirong Zhang, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel. "Passivity based state synchronization of multi-agent systems via static or adaptive nonlinear dynamic protocols," Proceedings of 2018 Chinese Conference of Decision and Control.
  229. Stoorvogel, A. A., Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z. \& Saberi, A. "Squared-down Passivity Based $H_{\infty}$ Almost Synchronization of Homogeneous Continuous-time Multi-agent Systems with Partial-state Coupling via Static Protocol," Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
  230. Stoorvogel, A. A., Saberi, A, Liu, Z. \& Nojavanzadeh, "$H_2$ Almost Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Continuous-time Multi-agent Systems with Passive Agents and Partial-state Coupling via Static Protocol," Proceedings of  2019 American Control Conference.
  231. Zhenwei Liu, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, \& Rong Li. "Delayed state synchronization of homogeneous discrete-time multi-agent systems in presence of unknown communication delays,"Proceedings of 2019 Chinese Conference of Decision and Control .
  232. Zhenwei Liu, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, \& Rong Li. "Delayed state synchronization of homogeneous continuous-time multi-agent systems in the presence of unknown communication delays," Proceedings of 2019 Chinese Conference of Decision and Control.


  1. Z. Lin, A. Saberi and B. M. Chen, Linear Systems Toolbox , Washington State University Technical Report No. EE/CS 0097, June 1991 (Commercially Available).
  2. B. M. Chen, A. Saberi and Z. Lin, Linear Control Toolbox , Washington State University Technical Report No. EE/CS 0098, June 1991.
  3. M. Gutmann and A. Saberi, Control Toolbox For Linear Systems With Saturating Actuators , Washington State University Technical Report No. EE/CS 0121, June1995.