Shallow Water Acoustics
Time-Domain Simulations of Acoustic Propagation Through Shallow
Shira Lynn Broschat, John B. Schneider, and Patrick J. Flynn,,
Washington State University
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
PO Box 642752
Pullman, WA 99164-2752
FAX: (509) 335-3818
This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research (Code 321OA).
These animations show the acoustic pressure found within a 36.00 m by
6.075 m (118.11' by 19.9311') computational domain. Four separate
simulations are presented. In each simulation the source consists of
a twenty element phased array. Transient illumination is used and the
center frequency is 7.5 kHz ( m). The average water depth is
5.28125 m (17.3269'). Each
animation represents 25.0 ms of real-time data.
These animations are stored as MPEG files. You will need access to an
MPEG player to view them.
The four simulations are as follows:
- Flat.
- Flat pressure release air-sea interface.
- Flat hard bottom.
- No scatterer present.
- Flat
- Flat & scatterer.
- Flat pressure release air-sea interface.
- Flat hard bottom.
- Hard scatterer present. Circular, radius = 0.3 m. Distance from
source is approximately 22 m.
- Flat & scatterer
- Rough.
- Randomly rough pressure release air-sea interface (one realization). , .
- Randomly rough hard bottom (one realization). , .
- No scatterer present.
- Rough
- Rough & scatterer.
- Randomly rough pressure release air-sea interface (one
realization). , .
- Randomly rough hard bottom (one realization). , .
- Hard scatterer present. Circular, radius = 0.3 m. Distance from
source is approximately 22 m.
- Rough & Scatterer
Note that is
the rms surface height and is the correlation length.