The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. with 53 people in attendance.
The Vancouver meeting had about 1400 attendees. BB had a very strong showing with sessions all day, every day. Thanks go to the special sessions organisers: Mike Bailey and Reiner Schultheiss on Tissue response to shock waves (unfortunately Reiner couldn't attend due to a herniated disc); Tom Royston - Audible-frequency medical diagnostic methods, including multimode techniques; Pierre Mourad and Carr Everbach - Therapeutic ultrasound for the brain; and Pierre Mourad and Mike Averkiou - Gene therapy and molecular imaging. In addition BB had a major impact on the Celebration session for Wesley Nyborg (Uncle Wes) that had been organised by Larry Crum and Junru Wu. Thanks to our TPOM representative Michael Bailey for sorting and organising the papers.
There were 16 entries in the student paper competition. The first prize went to Adam Maxwell from University of Washington and the second prize to Parag Chitnis from Boston University. I would also like to recognize two other students with honourable mentions: Wayne Kreider from University of Washington and Heather Argadine from the Mayo Clinic. Thanks to all the judges for their sterling service to the TC.
The feedback on the meeting was very positive. It was commented that the food was excellent to which the meeting responded with acclimation. The rooms were generally good. The provision of wireless internet access in the meeting area was appreciated. However, it was noted that it was regrettable that one Wi-fi "hot-spot" was outside of the room for the Nyborg celebration and led to a lot of noise.
The following special sessions are tentatively planned for Providence:
These sessions will need to be finalized at the Minneapolis meeting. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to add a session.
This meeting will be held in conjunction with the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ). The meeting will be held from Tuesday-Saturday as it follows Thanksgiving Weekend. There will be a plenary welcome session on the first morning and an awards banquet will be held.
The special sessions currently planned are:
The sessions will also need to be finalized at Minneapolis. Please feel free to suggest other sessions. I would like to remind organizers that they should find Japanese co-organisers/co-chairs. Mike Bailey has contact info for ASJ if necessary.
Salt Lake City, 4-8 June 2007
New Orleans, Nov 2007 (Tues-Sat)
Paris, France. June/July 2008 (joint with EAA). Christy Holland pointed out that this corresponds with the end of the Tour de France. I believe Executive Council will investigate.
It has been proposed that the Fall 2008 meeting be joint with the Audio Engineering Society (AES). A joint meeting with AES is strongly supported by other TCs within the ASA. The AES (an organization significantly bigger than the ASA) has already scheduled its meeting for San Francisco in October 2008. The meeting will be less than 4 months after the Paris meeting. The BB TC felt that this was too close to Paris and that perhaps a joint meeting with the AES be pursued in subsequent years.
Our student representative Neil Owen announced that the Student Mentorship Award is now accepting nominations. Nominations are due by 6 September 2005 and information can be found on the student web page.
The student web page also contains information for students on Fellowships and Grants.
Currently the student paper awards are judged by a just in time engineering process. I turn up to the sessions at the appropriate times and co-opt anyone who looks like a likely candidate. I asked for feedback and generally it was thought that this was okay.
Christy Holland would like to encourage more people to submit nominations for the Rossing Prize. This prize is awarded "to honor an individual who has made significant contributions towards furthering acoustics education, through distinguished teaching, creation of educational materials, textbook writing, and other activities." Nominations are due each spring. Please consider colleagues who might be appropriate recipients of this award.
My final task was to introduce the new chair of the BB TC: Michael Bailey from the University of Washington. His email address is:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped me with the activities of the BB TC over the past three years.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Cleveland