Exam 1 Review Session, Old Exam Coding Problems ----------------------------------------------- odds = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] odds.append(11) odds[0] = 13 odds.sort() fruits = {} fruits['grapes'] = 2.39 fruits['apples'] = 1.09 fruits['pears'] = 1.29 fruits['apples'] = 1.39 years, rem = divmod(4542, 365) months, days = divmod(rem, 30) print(f'4,542 days is {years} years, {months} months, and {days} days.') cost = float(input('Enter cost of meal: ')) tax = float(input('Enter percent tax: ')) tip = float(input('Enter percent tip: ')) total = cost * (1 + tax / 100 + tip / 100) print() print(f'Total to be charge: ${total:.2f}') if (num % 2) == 0 and (num % 7) == 0: print('Your number is even and divisible by 7.') elif (num % 2) != 0 and (num % 7) == 0: print('Your number is odd and divisible by 7.') else: print('Your number is not divisible by 7.') OR if (num % 2) == 0 and (num % 7) == 0: print('Your number is even and divisible by 7.') elif not (num % 2 == 0) and (num % 7) == 0: print('Your number is odd and divisible by 7.') else: print('Your number is not divisible by 7.')