Lab #5: Physical Turtlebot SLAM


The objective of this lab is to get more experience with the physical turtlebot and with SLAM. I encourage you to work in teams.


Upon successful completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  1. Build a map of an environment.
  2. Better explain the SLAM process.
  1. Follow the tutorial instructions for building a map at
  2. Save your map file
  3. Use your map, leveraging the instructions at Record a video that shows you can use rviz to make your robot go to a location on the map, showing that the robot can both localize and path plan.
  4. For extra credit, see if you can dig into some of the details of SLAM. For instance, can you have a running count of how many landmarks the robot sees? Can you show how many times loop closure is run?
Hand in
In Blackboard, please submit the following (one per group):
  1. A text file with:
    • Your name
    • The names of any people you worked with (optional)
    • Links to the map and the video you recorded
    • If you did the extra credit, explain what you did and provide a link to a video demoing it (if not done in the other video).
  2. The code you wrote for the assignment and any instructions needed to execute it.
  1. Basic text file content: 10
  2. Map generated correctly: 25
  3. Ability to localize and path plan in video: 25
  4. Extra credit: up to 20