In this application, Volt-VAr Optimization (VVO) for the distribution system is developed.
The objective of VVO is reduce the power consumption of the voltage dependent loads by reducing the voltage but with ANSI (0.95-1,05) range.
The reduction in power consumption by this technique is called as conservation voltage reduction (CVR).
The optimal voltage in the distribution is obtained by controlling the capacitor banks, voltage regulators and smart inverters.
The purpose of this project, is to develop an algorithm which can solve the problem in fast to be implemented for the real-time operation.
The application uses data originating in SCADA, smart meters, and various control devices deployed in the distribution system.
The data required to solve a VVO problem include system measurements and metadata about the devices, systems, network model and objectives of the utility.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is developing an open-source standard based platform for the application development called
In order to have coordinated control of all the devices in the distribution system , this application requires a measurement and communication rich environment, as provided by the
GridAPPS-D framework.
Students working on the project
Link to project materials
Project Publications
Journal Articles:
R. R. Jha, A. Dubey, C. Liu and K. P. Schneider,"Bi-Level Volt-VAR Optimization to Coordinate Smart Inverters With Voltage Control Devices", in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1801-1813, May 2019.
R. R. Jha, A. Dubey, and K. P. Schneider, “Coordinated Control for Voltage Regulation of Unbalanced Power Distribution System: Centralized and Local Control Methods,” Submitted to IET Generation, Transmission Distribution.
Conference Articles:
R. R. Jha and A. Dubey, “Local Smart Inverter Control to Mitigate the Effects of Photovoltaic (PV) Generation Variability'', 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Wichita, KS, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.