In this application, a distribution system restoration application is being developed. In an environment of distribution systems with high DER penetration, and smart sensing and control devices traditional restoration methods using only utility feeders are no longer optimal.
Advanced restoration approaches utilizing DERs and microgrids are called for. DERs and smart devices play important roles to improve system reliability and resilience.
The objective of this application is to conduct feeder restoration and reconfiguration using available feeders as well as DER resources and microgrid.
The overall goal is to enhance resilience of distribution feeder in minor as well as major and extreme outage events.
By realizing the potential of DERs to restore critical loads during emergency conditions along with smart devices and RTUs helping with faster system re-configuration, resiliency to extreme events is ensured by enabling system islanding and reconfiguration.
To enable autonomous and advanced restoration, this application calls for a measurement rich environment that can enable reliable communications between different subsystems.
The application uses data originating in SCADA, smart grid devices, and systems deployed in the distribution system.
The data required to solve a restoration problem include system measurements and metadata about the devices, systems, network model and objectives of the utility.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is developing an open-source standard based platform for the application development called
In order to enable DER/microgrid participation in restoration process, this application requires a measurement and communication rich environment, as provided by the
GridAPPS-D framework.
Students working on the project
Link to project materials
Project Publications
Journal Articles:
S. Poudel and A. Dubey, "Critical Load Restoration Using Distributed Energy Resources for Resilient Power Distribution System", in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 52-63, Jan. 2019.
S. Poudel, A. Dubey, A. Bose, and Kevin P. Schneider, “Leveraging Distributed Generation Resourcesfor Reliable and Resilient Power Distribution System,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy.
S. Poudel, A. Dubey, and A. Bose, "Risk-based Probabilistic Quantification of Power Distribution System Resilience", Submitted to IEEE Systems Journal.
Conference Articles:
S. Poudel, A. Dubey, and A. Bose, "Probabilistic Quantification of Power Distribution System Resilience", Accepted to appear in 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
S. Poudel and A. Dubey, "A Graph-theoretic Framework for Electric Power Distribution System Service Restoration", 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-5.
S. Poudel, M. Mukherjee, and A. Dubey, "Optimal Positioning of Mobile Emergency Resources for Resilient Restoration", in 2018 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2018.