School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Smart Environments

This REU program was hosted by the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University. WSU is located in Pullman, Washington, a small town in the Palouse region of Eastern Washington. The program consists of 10 weeks working with top research professors and graduate students at WSU. REU students will perform hands-on research on topics related to smart environments including artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, high-performance computing, pervasive computing, networking, distributed systems, health, medicine, psychology, gerontechnology, and energy sustainability. Students will present their research results in a poster session at the end of the program. Travel support is available for students who submit their work to a research-related conference.

The program is not currently accepting applications.

This WSU/EECS REU program was funded by National Science Foundation grant 1757632.

School of EECS, PO BOX 642752, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164-2752 USA, 509-335-6602, Contact Us