School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Experiences for Undergraduates


This page provides information about the execution of our REU program, including student demographics, assessment results and lessons learned. This information is intended more for those interested in running similar programs, but provides some insights into the program to potential students. If you have any questions about the program, see the contact page for where to get more information.


Applicants: 734

Declined offers: 86

Participants: 61

Participant Demographics

Home Institutions: 46 unique


Supported two additional participants from WSU in Spring 2022.


The program was not offered in 2021 due to COVID.


Applicants: 89

Declined offers: 12

Participants: 7

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2020


Applicants: 112

Declined offers: 11

Participants: 10

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2019


Applicants: 155

Declined offers: 17

Participants: 11

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2018


Applicants: 147

Declined offers: 19

Participants: 10

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2017


Applicants: 145

Declined offers: 18

Participants: 11

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2016


Applicants: 86

Declined offers: 9

Participants: 10

Participant Demographics

WSU REU Evaluation Report 2015

Lessons Learned

School of EECS, PO BOX 642752, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164-2752 USA, 509-335-6602, Contact Us