
I am Saeed Lotfifard an associate professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Energy Systems Innovation center (ESIC) at Washington State university. I received my Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University in electrical engineering in 2011. My research interests include:
  • Operational security of inverter-dominated power systems, focusing on stability, protection, and control challenges of massive grid integration of inverter-based resources.
  • Analysis, modeling, and enhancement of fault response behavior of inverter-dominated power grids
  • Application of mathematical optimization, control theory, machine learning and big data analytics for fault resilience reinforcement of smart grids with high share of renewable energy sources.

Contact Information

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Washington State University (WSU)
355 Spokane St. EME 45
Pullman, Washington 99164-2752 

E-mail: s.lotfifard@wsu.edu
Office: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME), Room # 45
Phone: (509) 335-0903