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		Washington State University

CptS 111:  Introduction to Computer Programming

Schedule Syllabus


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Class Schedule

Week Date Reading Lecture Notes Topics
1 M-1/9 Ch. 1
Jupyter Notebook; how to succeed in CptS 111; computer programs (code, scripts, apps); transistors and binary; bits and bytes; computer programming languages: compiled vs interpreted; IDEs; stdin, stdout; simple input and output: input(), print()
W-1/11 Ch. 2
Variables & Expressions,
Modules, and Math
more on input() and print(); type(); int(); float(); whitespace, including newline character (\n) and tab character (\t); expression vs statement or command; variables vs literals; lvalues (values to the LEFT of assignment operators; assignment operator (=); rules for names; reserved words; naming conventions: camel case vs using underscores; floats vs integers (integers are more precise!)
2 M-1/16
MLK Jr. Day
W-1/18 Ch. 2 Jupyter,
augmented assignment (compound operators), e.g., +=, *=; math operators; precedence of math operations; more on print(); a little on f-string string formatting, e.g., printing a float with two decimal places; division (/) vs floor division (//); modulo operator (%); divmod(); modules: standard modules, e.g., math, random, os; import; dot notation; using an alias when importing a module
3 M-1/23 Ch. 3
Data Types and Data Structures
dot notation with modules; string indexing including negative indexing, e.g., [-1] for the last character in a string; string immutability; len() function; operator overloading: repetition (*) and concatenation (+); use of quotes and the escape character (\); initiating empty strings; combining operator overloading and augmented assignment with characters; ASCII characters: printable and unprintable; ASCII and extended Unicode; chr() and ord() functions
W-1/25 Pair programming Slides Pair programming in zyBooks, PA #1 (zyLab_PA1, due 2.3.23)
4 M-1/30 Ch. 3 Jupyter,
review of input() function; more on using str(), float(), and int(); can't use int() with a string float!; string formatting using f-strings: format string and replacement fields; format specifiers: width, alignment, fill and padding, maximum width and precision, type and precision
W-2/1 Ch. 3 Jupyter,
data structures; containers; iterables; sequences; mutability; lists; functions vs methods; initializing an empty list; combining lists using operator overloading; indexing lists; some list functions: sum(), len(), max(), min(); some list methods: .append(), .count(), .pop(), .remove(), .sort(); tuples; some tuple functions and methods: max(), len(), sum(), .count(), i.e., any list function or method that doesn't involve changing a tuple; combining tuples using operator overloading; dictionaries; initializing an empty dictionary; key-value pairs; adding or modifying values using keys; del; .clear(); in
5 M-2/6 Ch. 4
conditionals: if statements, test expressions, if-else construct, multiple if statements, if-elif-else construct; Boolean variables: True, False; comparison/relational operators: >, >=, ==, <, <=, !=; false objects in Python: False, 0, None, any empty object, e.g., empty list, empty tuple, empty string
W-2/8 Ch. 4 Jupyter,
comparison/logical operator redux: use with floats, use with integers, use with strings, use with lists; Boolean/logical operators (listed in order of precedence): not, and, or; Boolean expressions including operator chaining; nested conditionals; precedence: math > comparison/relational > Boolean/logical
6 M-2/13 Ch. 5
functions: built-in vs user-defined; function calls; def; return; void functions; parameters vs arguments; keyword arguments (kwargs); default (parameter) values
Exam #1
Ch. 1 - Ch. 4
7 M-2/20
Presidents' Day
W-2/22 Ch. 5 Jupyter,
function flow: function call to function and back to program or function that called the function (at the statement where the function was called); program order: "upside-down" programming; non-void functions: when lvalues are needed, use in print() statements, use in math expressions; nested functions; reasons for using functions; docstrings and the help() function
8 M-2/27 Ch. 5 Jupyter,
use of the main() function; calling main(); function stubs: e.g., pass; incremental development of programs using function stubs; errors: syntax, run-time, logic, function; using print() to help with coding
W-3/1 Ch. 5 Jupyter,
scope; namespaces; scope resolution; namespaces: local (inside function), global (outside function), builtin (e.g., print(), int()) (everywhere); scope resolution search order, i.e., how Python finds a name: local namespace, global namespace, builtin namespace (in that order); passing lists as arguments to void functions; global command
9 M-3/6 Ch. 6
inefficiency of repeating commands; introduction to loops; for-loops; range() function; counting for-loops; special case of counting for-loops
W-3/8 Ch. 6 Jupyter,
iterating for-loops; iterating vs counting for-loops: when you have to use a counting for-loop; while-loops; break; continue
10 M-3/20 Ch. 6 Jupyter,
creating itemized lists using counting and iterating for-loops; using enumerate() with iterating for-loops to create itemized lists; review of data structures including dictionaries; using dictionaries in iterating for-loops; using view objects in iterating for-loop headers: .items(), .keys(), .values(); using zip() to zip together two lists and to create a dictionary
W-3/22 Ch. 6 Jupyter,
for-loops vs while-loops; nested for-loops; lists of lists (nested lists); indexing nested lists; readable code, including using multiple lines to write nested lists, i.e., formatting nested lists as tables; outer loop associated with rows, inner loop associated with columns
11 M-3/27 Ch. 7
Files and More on Modules
a little on os module; opening files: open(); closing files: .close(); .tell(); reading from file: .read(), .readlines(), .readline(); using file (wrapper) as iterable in for-loop header; writing to file: .write(); printing to file: print(whatever_printable, file=name_of_file(_wrapper))
W-3/29 Ch. 7 Jupyter,
with command; importing modules: import module_name, import module_name as module_alias, from module_name import func1, func2, func3,..., from module_name import *, from module_name import func1 as func1_alias, func2 as func2_alias,...; import user-written modules
12 M-4/3 Ch. 8
More on Strings
eval(); string formatting: modulo-formatting, .format() method formatting; string methods: .capitalize(), .title(), .swapcase(), .upper(), .lower(), .count(), .find(), .replace(), .lstrip(), .rstrip(), .strip(); chaining methods (left to right)
Exam #2
Ch. 5 - Ch. 7
13 M-4/10 Ch. 8 Jupyter,
string methods: .split(), .join(); use of in with strings; string slicing [start:stop:increment]
W-4/12 Ch. 9
More on Lists
and Dictionaries
more list methods: .insert(), .extend(), .sort() redux, .reverse(); another list function: sorted(); void method .sort() vs non-void function sorted(); using kwargs with .sort() and sorted(): reverse=True, key=str.lower; simultaneous assignment with lists and loops; list slicing; deep copy [ : ]; modifying lists in loops using a deep copy
14 M-4/17 Ch. 9 Jupyter,
the in command with lists; more on tuples; more dictionary methods: .get(), .update(), .pop(); operator overloading and dictionaries; a summary of what we know about dictionaries; nested dictionaries
W-4/19 Ch. 10
plotting: matplotlib.pyplot module (plt): plot(), show(), axis(), string formats for lines, keywords for lines, xlabel(), ylabel(), title(), legend(); using math text in labels, titles, and legends
15 M-4/24 Ch. 10 Jupyter,
plotting data from files; numpy module (np): array(), exp(), arange(); using math operations (**, *, +, -) with arrays; using arrays as arguments for plot(); creating subplots with matplotlib.pyplot
W-4/26 Wrap-up Slides
16 Tu-5/2
Final Exam
(1:30 - 3:30 pm, Spark 339)