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Greeley, C., Holder, L., Nilsson, E.E., and Skinner, M.K. Scalable deep learning artificial intelligence histopathology slide analysis and validation . Scientific Reports 14, 26748 (2024). .
Lankester F, Broughton-Neiswanger LE, Holder LB, Driskell RR, Lugelo A. Harnessing hi-tech solutions to meet One Health challenges . American Journal of Veterinary Research . 2024 Jun 12;85(7):ajvr.24.05.0131. . PMID: 38866063.
E. Nilsson, M. McBirney, S. De Santos, S. King, D. Beck, C. Greeley, L. Holder, M. Skinner. Multiple generation distinct toxicant exposures induce epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of enhanced pathology and obesity . Environmental Epigenetics , 2023.
K. Doctor, M. Kejriwal, L. Holder, E. Kildebeck, E. Resmini, C. Pereyda, R. Steininger and D. Olivença. Understanding and Estimating Domain Complexity Across Domains . arXiv:2312.13487 [cs.AI], December 2023.
P. Mavaie, L. Holder, M. Skinner. Identifying Unique Exposure-Specific Transgenerational Differentially DNA Methylated Region Epimutations in the Genome using Hybrid Deep Learning Prediction Models . Environmental Epigenetics , 2023.
P. Mavaie, L. Holder, M. Skinner. Hybrid deep learning approach to improve classification of low‐volume high‐dimensional data . BMC Bioinformatics , 24, 419 (2023).
V. Lombardi and L. Holder. Bootcamp Method for Training General Purpose AI Agents . International Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2023.
Boult, T.E.; Windesheim, N.M.; Zhou, S.; Pereyda, C.; Holder, L.B. Weibull-Open-World (WOW) Multi-Type Novelty Detection in CartPole3D . Algorithms , 15(10):381, October 2022.
Sprint, G., Cook, D., Schmitter-Edgecombe, M., Holder, L. Multimodal Fusion of Smart Home and Text-based Behavior Markers for Clinical Assessment Prediction . ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare , 3(4):1-25, October 2022.
B. Thomas, L. Holder, and D. Cook. Automated Cognitive Health Assessment using Partially-Complete Time Series Sensor Data . Methods of Information in Medicine , 61(3):99-110, September 2022.
S. Purohit, G. Chin, and L. Holder (2022). ITeM: Independent temporal motifs to summarize and compare temporal networks . Intelligent Data Analysis , 26(4):1071-1096.
C. Pereyda and L. Holder. Measuring the Complexity of Domains Used to Evaluate AI Systems . AAAI Spring Symposium , March 2022.
K. Doctor, C. Task, E. Kildebeck, M. Kejriwal, L. Holder and R. Leong. "Toward Defining a Domain Complexity Measure Across Domains . AAAI Spring Symposium , March 2022.
J. Briscoe, A. Gebremedhin, L. Holder and Diane J. Cook. Adversarial Creation of a Smart Home Testbed for Novelty Detection . AAAI Spring Symposium, March 2022.
Schmitter-Edgecombe, M., Brown, K., Luna, C., Chilton, R., Sumida, C. A., Holder, L., Cook, D. (2022). Partnering a Compensatory Application with Activity-Aware Prompting to Improve Use in Individuals with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Clinical Trial . Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease , 85(1):73-90.
P. Mavaie, L. Holder, D. Beck, M. Skinner,
"Predicting environmentally responsive transgenerational differential DNA methylated regions (epimutations) in the genome using a hybrid deep‐machine learning approach ,"
BMC Bioinformatics 22, 575 (2021).
S. Purohit, F. Shelobolin, L. Holder, G. Chin,
"Temporal Analysis of Epidemiology indicators and Air Travel Data for Covid-19 ,"
Poster and Abstract. SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms , July 2021.
T. Boult, P. Grabowicz, D. Prijatelj, R. Stern, L. Holder, J. Alspector, M. Jafarzadeh,
T. Ahmad, A. Dhamija, C. Li, S. Cruz, A. Shrivastava, C. Vondrick, W. Scheirer,
"Towards a Unifying Framework for Formal Theories of Novelty ,"
Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , February 2021.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Graph Filtering to Remove the “Middle Ground” for Anomaly Detection ,"
IEEE BigData Workshop on BigGraphs , December 2020.
M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, K. Brown, E. Faust, L. Holder, D. Cook, R. Cunningham, C. Sumida,
"But Will They Use it? Factors Influencing Sustained Use of a
Digital Memory Notebook Application by Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment ," Poster and
Abstract, 2020 Alzheimer's Association International Conference , July 2020.
C. Pereyda and L. Holder, "Measuring the Relative Similarity and Difficulty Between AI Benchmark Problems ,"
Workshop on Evaluating Evaluation of AI Systems, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , February 2020.
S. Purohit, L. Holder, G. Chin, "ITeM: Independent Temporal Motifs to Summarize and Compare Temporal
Networks ," arXiv, arXiv:2002.08312, 2020.
S. Akter and L. Holder, "Improving IoT Predictions through the Identification of
Graphical Features ," Sensors , Vol. 19, Ed. 15, pp. 32-50, August 2019.
A. Ray, L. Holder and A. Bifet, "Efficient Frequent Subgraph Mining on Large Streaming Graphs ,"
Intelligent Data Analysis , 23(1):103-132, 2019.
Y. Hou and L. Holder, "On Graph Mining with Deep Learning: Introducing Model R
for Link Weight Prediction ," Journal of Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing Research , 9(1):21-40, 2019.
A. Bagula, L. Bravo, U. Gasser, L. Holder, K. Suglyama and D. Zeng (Editors),
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Communication Networks and Services,
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries , Issue 1, March 2018.
Z. Wemlinger and L. Holder, "Cross-Environment Activity Recognition using a Shared Semantic Vocabulary ,"
Pervasive and Mobile Computing , Volume 51, December 2018.
J. Helkey and L. Holder, "Sensor Network Configuration Learning for Maximizing
Application Performance ," Sensors , 18(6):1771, 2018.
S. Purohit, L. Holder and G. Chin, "Temporal Graph Generation Based on a Distribution of
Temporal Motifs ," Workshop on Mining and Learning in Graphs, ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining , August 2018.
C. Pereyda and L. Holder, "Toward a General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence Test by Combining
Diverse Tests ," International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) , July 2018.
R. Paudel, W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Anomaly Detection of Elderly Patient Activities in Smart Homes
using a Graph-Based Approach ," International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA) , July 2018.
S. Akter, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Activity Recognition
using Graphical Features from Smart Phone Sensor Data ," International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT) , June 2018.
S. Choudhury, S. Purohit, P. Lin, Y. Wu, L. Holder, and K. Agarwal. "Percolator: Scalable Pattern
Discovery in Dynamic Graphs ," International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) , February 2018.
S. Purohit, L. Holder and G. Chin, "Synthetic Temporal Graph Generation ," Poster and Abstract,
SIAM Workshop on Network Science , July 2018.
L. Holder, M. Haque, and M. Skinner, "Machine Learning for Epigenetics and Future Medical Applications ,"
Epigenetics , Volume 12, Issue 7, 2017.
S. Purohit, S. Choudhury, and L. Holder, "Application-Specific Graph Sampling for Frequent
Subgraph Mining and Community Detection ," IEEE International Conference on BigData , December 2017.
S. Aminikhanghahi, R. Fallahzadeh, D. Cook, and L. Holder, "Thyme: Improving Smartphone Prompt Timing Through Activity Awareness ,"
IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) , December 2017.
C. Packer and L. Holder, "GraphZip: Mining Graph Streams using Dictionary-based Compression ,"
KDD Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG) , August 2017.
C. Packer and L. Holder, "GraphZip: Dictionary-based Compression for Mining Graph Streams ",
arXiv, arXiv:1703.08614, March 2017.
S. Akter and L. Holder, "Using Graphical Features To Improve Demographic Prediction From Smart Phone Data ,"
SIGMOD Workshop on Network Data Analytics , May 2017.
Y. Hou and L. Holder, "Deep Learning Approach to Link Weight Prediction ,"
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) , May 2017.
L. Holder, M. Khan, C. Klymko, R. Caceres, N. Chawla, T. Eliassi-Rad, D. Gleich, R. Kumar, A. Prakash, J. Riedy and Y. Wu,
"Current and Future Challenges in Mining Large Networks: Report on the Second SDM Workshop on Mining Networks
and Graphs ," SIGKDD Explorations , 18(1):39-45, 2016.
M. Haque, E. Nilsson, L. Holder and M. Skinner, "Genomic Clustering of differential DNA methylated regions
(epimutations) associated with the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and phenotypic variation ," BMC Genomics , 17:418, 2016.
J. Helkey, L. Holder and B. Shirazi, "Comparison of simulators for assessing the ability to sustain wireless
sensor networks using dynamic network reconfiguration ," Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems , Volume 9, pp. 1-7, 2016.
Y. Yao and L. Holder, "Incremental SVM-based Classification in Dynamic Streaming Networks ,"
Intelligent Data Analysis , 20(5), 2016.
Y. Yao and L. Holder, "Classification in Dynamic Streaming Networks ,"
International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) , August 2016.
Y. Yao and L. Holder, "Detecting Concept Drift in Classification Over Streaming Graphs ,"
KDD Workshop on Mining and Learning in Graphs (MLG) , August 2016.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Identifying Anomalies in Graph Streams Using Change Detection ,"
KDD Workshop on Mining and Learning in Graphs (MLG) , August 2016.
K. Bouchard, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Extracting Generalizable Spatial Features from Smart Phones Datasets ,"
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments , February 2016.
J. Fairey and L. Holder, "StarIso: Graph Isomorphism Through Lossy Compression ," Poster and Abstract,
Data Compression Conference , April 2016.
A. Gain and L. Holder, "Network of Spiking Neurons Driven by Compression ," Poster and Abstract,
Data Compression Conference , April 2016.
M. Haque, L. Holder and M. Skinner, "Genome-Wide Locations of Potential Epimutations
Associated with Environmentally Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Disease Using a Sequential Machine Learning
Prediction Approach ," PLOS ONE , November 2015.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Scalable Anomaly Detection in Graphs ," Intelligent
Data Analysis , Volume 19, pp. 57-74, 2015.
A. Vishnu, J. Narasimhan, L. Holder, D. Kerbyson and A. Hoisie, "Fast and Accurate
Support Vector Machines on Large Scale Systems ," IEEE Cluster , September 2015.
L. Mookiah, W. Eberle, and L. Holder, "Discovering Suspicious Behavior Using a Graph-Based Approach ,"
International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2015.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin, K. Agarwal and J. Feo, "A Selectivity based approach to
Continuous Pattern Detection in Streaming Graphs ," International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) , March 2015.
W. Eberle, L. Holder, "Streaming Data Analytics for Anomalies in Graphs ," 2015 IEEE International
Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security , April 2015.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin, K. Agarwal, J. Feo, "A Selectivity Based Approach to
Continuous Pattern Detection in Streaming Graphs ," arXiv, arXiv:1503.00849, March 2015.
Y. Yao and L. Holder, "Scalable Classification for Large Dynamic Networks ," IEEE
International Conference on Big Data , 2015.
N. Roy, P. Rashidi, L. Holder, L. Chen (Editors), Pervasive
and Mobile Computing Journal, Special Issue on Data Mining in Pervasive Environments , Elsevier Publishing, Volume 15, December 2014.
N. Dong and L. Holder, "Natural Language Generation from Graphs ," International Journal
of Semantic Computing , 8(3):335-384, September 2014.
M. Haque, M. Skinner and L. Holder, "Imbalanced Class Learning in Epigenetics ," Journal of Computational
Biology , 21(7):492-507, July 2014.
Featured article .
Y. Yao and L. Holder, "Scalable SVM-based Classification in Dynamic Graphs ," IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) , December 2014.
S. Akter and L. Holder, "Activity Recognition using Graphical Features ," International Conference on Machine
Learning and Applications (ICMLA) , December 2014.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "A Partitioning Approach to Scaling Anomaly Detection in Graph
Streams ," First International Workshop on High Performance Big
Graph Data Management, Analysis, and Mining (BigGraphs), IEEE BigData Conference , October 2014.
L. Mookiah, W. Eberle, and L. Holder, "Detecting Suspicious Behavior Using a Graph-Based Approach ,"
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) , November 2014.
A. Ray, L. Holder and S. Choudhury, "Frequent Subgraph Discovery in Large Attributed Streaming Graphs ,"
KDD Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications
(BigMine) , August 2014.
J. Narasimhan and L. Holder, "Feature Engineering for Supervised Link Prediction on Dynamic Social Networks ,"
International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN) , July 2014.
Z. Wemlinger and L. Holder, "Improving Activity Recognition in Smart Environments with Ontological Modeling ,"
International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST) , LNCS 8456, pp. 129-137, June 2014.
G. Chin, S. Choudhury, J. Feo and L. Holder, "Predicting and Detecting Emerging Cyberattack Patterns Using StreamWorks ,"
Cyber and Information Security Research Conference (CISRC) , April 2014.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin, P. Mackey, K. Agarwal, J. Feo, "Query Optimization for Dynamic
Graphs ," arXiv, arXiv:1407.3745, July 2014.
J. Narasimhan, A. Vishnu, L. Holder, A. Hoisie, "Fast Support Vector Machines Using Parallel Adaptive Shrinking on
Distributed Systems ," arXiv, arXiv:1406.5161, June 2014
M. Haque, L. Holder, M. Skinner and D. Cook, "Generalized Query Based Active Learning
to Identify Differentially Methylated Regions in DNA ," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology
and Bioinformatics , 10(3):632-644, 2013.
L. Holder and D. Cook, "Automated Activity-Aware Prompting for Activity Initiation ,"
Gerontechnology , 11(4):534-544, 2013.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Incremental Anomaly Detection in Graphs ,"
IEEE ICDM Workshop on Incremental Clustering, Concept Drift and Novelty Detection (IcIaNov) , December 2013.
S. Long and L. Holder, "Discovery of Discriminating Neural Regions for MRI Classification ,"
Workshop on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI (HIAI), Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) , July 2013.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin and J. Feo, "Fast Search for Dynamic Multi-Relational Graphs ,"
SIGMOD Workshop on Dynamic Networks Management and Mining (DyNetMM) , June 2013.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin, A. Ray, S. Beus and J. Feo, "StreamWorks - A System for Dynamic Graph Search ,"
ACM SIGMOD Conference Demo Track , June 2013.
M. Halappanavar, S. Choudhury, E. Hogan, P. Hui, J. Johnson, I. Ray and L. Holder, "Towards a Network-of-Networks
Framework for Cyber Security ," IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics , June 2013.
D. Haglin and L. Holder, "Combining Structure and Property Values is Essential
for Graph-based Learning ," IPDPS Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Inference Problems , May 2013.
L. P. Behmer, J. Fairey, L. Holder and L. R. Fournier, "Using EEG and Machine Learning to Predict Action Goals
from Data in the Human Mirror System ," Poster and Abstract, 20th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society , April 2013.
S. Long and L. Holder, "Graph-Based MRI Brain Scan Classification and
Correlation Discovery ," IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB) , May 2012.
W. Eberle, L. Holder and B. Massengill, "Graph-Based Anomaly Detection
Applied to Homeland Security Cargo Screening ," International Conference of the
Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2012.
A. Ray and L. Holder, "Efficiency Improvements for Parallel Subgraph
Miners ," International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence
Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2012.
B. Das, A. Seelye, B. Thomas, D. Cook, L. Holder and M.
Schmitter-Edgecombe, "Using Smart Phones for Context-Aware Prompting in Smart
Environments ," Workshop on Consumer eHealth Platforms, Services and
Applications (CeHPSA) at the Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
(CCNC) , January 2012.
B. Das, B. Thomas, A. Seelye, D. Cook, L. Holder, M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, "Context-aware Prompting from
Your Smart Phone ," 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) , Jan. 2012
D. Cook and L. Holder, "Sensor Selection to Support Practical Use of Health-Monitoring Smart Environments ,"
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery , 1(4): 339-351, 2011.
S. Long and L. Holder, "Graph-Based
Shape Analysis for MRI Classification ," International Journal of Knowledge
Discovery in Bioinformatics , 2(2):19-33, 2011.
S. Long and L. Holder, "Graph Based Classification of MRI Data Based on
the Ventricular System ," Workshop on Biological Data Mining and its
Applications in Healthcare (BioDM) at the IEEE International Conference on Data
Mining (ICDM) , December 2011.
S. Choudhury, L. Holder, G. Chin and J. Feo, "Large-Scale Continuous Subgraph Queries on
Streams ", Workshop on High-Performance Computing meets Databases,
Co-located with Supercomputing 2011 , Seattle, WA, November 2011.
D. Cook, M. Schmitter-Edgecombe and L. Holder, "Gerontechnology Education:
Beyond the Barriers ," IEEE Pervasive Computing , 10(4):59-63, October-December 2011.
C. Josyln, S. al-Saffar, D. Haglin and L. Holder, "Combinatorial
Information Theoretical Measurement of the Semantic Significance of Semantic
Graph Motifs ," Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Workshop
on Mining Data Semantics (MDS) , August 2011.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Compression versus Frequency for Mining Patterns
and Anomalies in Graphs ," Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
(KDD) Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG) , August 2011.
O. Romero, J. Gonzalez and L. Holder, "Handling of Numeric Ranges for Graph-Based
Knowledge Discovery ," International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN) , July
O. Romero, L. Holder, J. Gonzalez, "A New Approach for Handling Numeric Ranges for
Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA) , 2011.
S. Long and L. Holder, "Using Graphs to
Improve Activity Prediction in Smart Environments based on Motion Sensor
Data ," International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics
(ICOST) , June 2011.
Z. Wemlinger and L. Holder, "The COSE
Ontology: Bringing the Semantic Web to Smart Environments ," International
Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST) , June 2011.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Graph-based
Knowledge Discovery: Compression vs. Frequency ," International Conference
of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2011.
O. Romero, J. Gonzalez and L. Holder, "Handling of Numeric Ranges with the SUBDUE
System ," International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence
Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2011.
D. Cook and L. Holder, "Sensor Selection to
Support Practical Use of Health-Monitoring Smart Environments ," Data Mining
and Knowledge Discovery , Volume 1, Issue 4, July/August 2011.
P. Rashidi, D. Cook, L. Holder and M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, "Discovering Activities to Recognize and Track in
a Smart Environment ," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ,
Volume 23, Issue 4, April 2011.
W. Eberle, L. Holder and J. Graves, "Insider Threat Detection Using a Graph-based
Approach ," Journal of Applied Security Research , Volume 6, Issue 1, January
S. Thompson, P. Whitney, M. Weimar, T. Wood, D. Daly, A. Brothers, A. Sanfilippo,
D. Cook, L. Holder, "Model and Analytic Processes for Export License Assessments ,"
PNNL, Richland, WA, Rep. PNNL-18189, Sept. 2011.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Detecing
Insider Threats Using a Graph-based Approach ," Proceedings of the Center of
Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Workshop on Insider Threat
(CAEWIT) Workshop , November 2010.
E. Nazerfard, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Conditional Random Fields for Activity
Recognition in Smart Environments ," ACM International Health Informatics
Symposium , November 2010.
R. Zou and L. Holder, "Frequent Subgraph
Mining on a Single Large Graph Using Sampling Techniques ," Proceedings
of the Eighth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG) , pp. 171-178, July 2010.
W. Eberle, L. Holder and J. Graves, "Using a
Graph-Based Approach for Discovering Cybercrime ," International Conference of the
Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2010.
O. Romero, J. Gonzalez and L. Holder, "Handling
of Numeric Ranges for Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery ," International Conference of
the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2010.
P. Rashidi, D. Cook, L. Holder, M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, "Discovering Activities to Recognize
and Track in a Smart Environment ," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Volume 23, Issue 4, September 2010.
M. Schmitter-Edgecombe, P. Rashidi, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Discovering and
Tracking Activities of Daily Living Using Smart Environment Technologies (Abstract) ,"
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , March 2010.
L. Holder, "Greedy Search Approach of Graph Mining ," Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining ,
C. Sammut, G. I. Webb, Eds., Springer US, 2010, pp. 597-603.
D. Cook, L. Holder, S. Thompson, P. Whitney and L. Chilton,
"Graph-based Analysis of Nuclear Smuggling Data ,"
Journal of Applied Security Research , Volume 4, Issue 4, October 2009.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Substructure Analysis of Metabolic Pathways
by Graph-based Relational Learning ," in Biomedical Data and Applications , A. Sidhu and T. Dillon, Eds., Springer, September 2009.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook, "gRegress: Extracting
Features from Graph Transactions for Regression ," International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) , July 2009.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Learning Patterns in the
Dynamics of Biological Networks ," ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining , June 2009.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Applying Graph-based Anomaly
Detection Approaches to the Discovery of Insider Threats ," IEEE International Conference
on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) , June 2009.
W. Eberle, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Identifying Threats Using Graph-Based Anomaly Detection ,"
in Machine Learning in Cyber Trust , J. Tsai and P. Yu, Eds.,Springer, May 2009.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Discovering Anomalies
to Multiple Normative Patterns in Structural and Numeric Data ," International
Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2009.
Best Paper Award .
L. Holder, M. Kumar and R. Bruno, "Introduction to the
special issue on homeland and global security ," Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal,
Special Issue on Homeland and Global Security , Elsevier Publishing, Volume 5, Number 2, April 2009.
L. Holder, M. Kumar and R. Bruno (Editors),
and Mobile Computing Journal, Special Issue on Homeland and Global Security ,
Elsevier Publishing, Volume 5, Number 2, April 2009.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Graph-Based Approaches to
Insider Threat Detection ," Extended Abstract & Slides, Cyber Security and Information
Intelligence Research Workshop , April 2009.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Faster Computation
of the Direct Product Kernel for Graph Classification ," IEEE Workshop on Computational
Intelligence and Data Mining , March 2009.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Empirical Comparison
of Graph Classification Algorithms ," IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence and
Data Mining , March 2009.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Mining for Insider Threats
in Business Transactions and Processes ," IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence
and Data Mining , March 2009.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Insider Threat Detection
Using Graph-Based Approaches ," Cybersecurity Applications and Technologies Conference for
Homeland Security (CATCH) , March 2009.
L. Holder and D. Cook, "Graph-based Data Mining ," in
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Second Edition , J. Wang, Ed., Idea Group Publishing, 2009. Also appears in 2006 first edition.
W. Eberle, L. Holder, J. Graves, "Detecting Employee Leaks Using Badge and Network
IP Traffic ," IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology , 2009.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Graph-based Data Mining
in Dynamic Networks: Empirical Comparison of Compression-based and Frequency-based
Subgraph Mining ," IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshop on
Analysis of Dynamic Networks , December 2008.
A. Singh and L. Holder, "Strategic Path Planning on
the Basis of Risk vs. Time ," International Conference on Entertainment Computing ,
September 2008.
A. Christiansen, D. Johnson and L. Holder, "Game-based
Simulation for the Evaluation of Threat Detection in a Seaport Environment ,"
International Conference on Entertainment Computing , September 2008.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Graph-based
Temporal Mining of Metabolic Pathways with Microarray Data ," ACM SIGKDD Workshop
on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD) , August 2008.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Temporal and
Structural Analysis of Biological Networks in Combination with Microarray Data ,"
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology , September 2008.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Dynamic
Graph-based Relational Learning of Temporal Patterns in Biological Networks
Changing over Time ," International Conference on Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology (BIOCOMP) , July 2008.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inference
of Edge Replacement Graph Grammars ," International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools , 17(3):539-554, June 2008.
Z. Markov, L. Holder, I. Jonyer and D. Bisant (Editors),
Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,
Special Issue on Machine Learning, Data Mining and Neural Networks ,
World Scientific Publishing, Volume 17, Number 3, June 2008.
L. Holder and X. Yan, "Report on the First
International Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures (MGCS'07) ,"
SIGMOD Record , Volume 37, Number 1, March 2008.
M. Hudelson, N. Ketkar, L. Holder, T. Carlson, C. Peng, B. Waldher, and J. Jones,
"High Confidence Predictions of Drug-Drug Interactions:
Predicting Affinities for Cytochrome P450 2C9 with Multiple Computational Methods ,"
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 51(3):648-654, January 2008.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inferring Graph
Grammars by Detecting Overlap in Frequent Subgraphs ," International Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Computer Science , Volume 18, Number 2, 2008.
Z. Markov, L. Holder, I. Jonyer, "Special Issue on FLAIRS 2007: Machine Learning, Data Mining,
and Neural Networks," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools ,
Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 411-414, June 2008.
E. Heierman, D. Cook, S. Das, L. Holder, "Moving from Internet Appliances to Internet Intelligent
Abstract Environments: Challenges and Directions ," 2008.
W. Eberle, L. Holder, "Analyzing Catalano/Vidro Social Structure Using GBAD ," IEEE Symposium on
Visual Analytics Science and Technology , January 2008.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Anomaly Detection in Data
Represented as Graphs ," Intelligent Data Analysis , 11(6):663-690, December 2007.
D. Cook, L. Holder and G. M. Youngblood, "Graph-based
Analysis of Human Transfer Learning Using a Game Testbed ," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering , 19(11):1465-1478, November 2007.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Discovering Structural
Anomalies in Graph-based Data ," IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures , October 2007.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inference of Node
Replacement Graph Grammars ," Intelligent Data Analysis , 11(4):377-400, September 2007.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inference of
Node and Edge Replacement Graph Grammars ," International Conference on Machine
Learning (ICML) Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Grammar Induction , June 2007.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Mining for Structural
Anomalies in Graph-Based Data ," International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN-07) ,
June 2007.
J. Kukluk, C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Learning
Node Replacement Graph Grammars in Metabolic Pathways ," International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP-07) , June 2007.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inference of
Edge Replacement Graph Grammars ," Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference
of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2007.
J. Potts, D. Cook, and L. Holder, "Learning from Supervised Graphs ," in
Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , M. Last, A. Kandel, and H. Bunke, Eds., Springer, 2007.
C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Application of
Graph-based Data Mining to Metabolic Pathways ," Workshop on Data Mining in
Bioinformatics, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining , December 2006.
L. Holder, Z. Markov and I. Russell, "Advances in
Knowledge Acquisition and Representation ," International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools, Special Issue on Knowledge Acquisition and Representation , 15(6):867-874,
December 2006.
J. Coble, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Structure Discovery
in Sequentially-Connected Data Streams ," International Journal on Artificial Intelligence
Tools , 15(6):917-944, December 2006.
I. Russell, Z. Markov and L. Holder (Editors),
Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Special Issue on Knowledge
Acquisition and Representation , World Scientific Publishing,
Volume 15, Number 6, December 2006.
D. Cook and L. Holder (Editors),
Graph Data , John Wiley & Sons, December 2006.
D. Cook, L. Holder and N. Ketkar, "Unsupervised and Supervised Pattern Learning
in Graph Data ," in Mining Graph Data , D. Cook and L. Holder, Eds., John Wiley & Sons, December 2006.
K. Ates, J. Kukluk, L. Holder, D. Cook and K. Zhang, "Graph
Grammar Induction on Structural Data for Visual Programming ," Proceedings of the 18th
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence , November 2006.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Mining in the Proximity
of Subgraphs ," Proceedings of the ACM KDD Workshop on Link Analysis , August 2006.
J. Kukluk, C. You, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Discovering Recursive Patterns in
Biological Networks (Abstract)," Dallas Area Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology Workshop , August 2006. (Abstract ,
Poster ).
G. M. Youngblood, B. Nolen, M. Ross, and L. Holder, "Building
Test Beds for AI with the Q3 Mod Base ," Proceedings of the Annual Artificial Intelligence for
Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference , June 2006.
A. Singh and L. Holder, "Classification of Threats
via a Multi-sensor Security Portal ," Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligence and Security
Informatics Conference , May 2006.
W. Eberle and L. Holder, "Detecting Anomalies in
Cargo Shipments Using Graph Properties ," Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligence and
Security Informatics Conference , May 2006.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Inference of Node
Replacement Recursive Graph Grammars ," Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Data Mining ,
April 2006.
I. Russell, Z. Markov, L. Holder and D. Cook, "The
2005 International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-05):
A Report ," AI Magazine , Volume 27, Number 1, Spring 2006.
C. Corley, D. Cook, L. Holder, and K. Singh, "Graph-based
Data Mining in Epidemia and Terrorism Data ," Proceedings of the Conference on Quantitative
Methods and Statistical Applications in Defense and National Security , February 2006.
I. Russell, Z. Markov, L. Holder, "Special Issue on FLAIRS 2005: Knowledge Aquisition and Representation
- Preface ," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools ,
Volume 15, Issue 6, pp. 863-865, December 2006.
L. Holder, D. Cook, "Graph-Based Structural Pattern
Learning ," Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY, Rep. AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2006-249, July 2006.
W. Eberle, L. Holder, "Infrastructure Protection and Cyber
Security-Detecting Anomalies in Cargo Using Graph Properties ," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Part III -
Exteneded Abstracts for Posters and Demos , pp. 728-730, Springer, 2006.
A. Singh, L. Holder, "Threat Detection, Surveillance, and Emergency Response - Classification of Threats Via a Multi-Sensor
Security Portal " in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Part III - Exteneded Abstracts for Posters and Demos , pp. 699-700, Springer, 2006.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook,
"Comparison of Graph-based and Logic-based MRDM ,"
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Special Issue on Link Mining , Volume 7, Issue 2, December 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, D. Cook and L. Holder,
"Managing Adaptive Versatile Environments ,"
Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing , 1(4):373-403, December 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Seamlessly
Engineering a Smart Environment ," Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics , October 2005.
S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Maulik, L. Holder and D. Cook (Editors),
Methods for Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data ,
Springer, September 2005.
D. Cook, L. Holder, J. Coble and J. Potts, "Graph-based Mining of Complex Data ,"
in Advanced Methods for Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data , S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Maulik, L. Holder and D. Cook, Eds., Springer, September 2005.
L. Holder, I. Russell, Z. Markov, A. Pipe and B. Carse,
"Current and Future Trends in Feature Selection and
Extraction for Classification Problems ," International Journal on Pattern Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Feature Selection and Extraction for
Classification Problems , 19(2):133-142, March 2005.
I. Russell, Z. Markov, B. Carse, A. Pipe, L. Holder,
"Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches to Feature Selection and Extraction for
Classification ," International Journal on Pattern Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Feature Selection and Extraction for
Classification Problems , 19(2):129-132, March 2005.
I. Russell, Z. Markov, A. Pipe, B. Carse and L. Holder (Editors),
Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
Special Issue on Feature Selection and Extraction for Classification Problems ,
World Scientific Publishing, Volume 19, Number 2, March 2005.
L. Holder, D. Cook, J. Coble and M. Mukherjee,
"Graph-based Relational Learning with Application
to Security ," Fundamenta Informaticae Special Issue on Mining Graphs, Trees
and Sequences , 66(1-2):83-101, March 2005.
J. Coble, R. Rathi, D. Cook and L. Holder,
"Iterative Structure Discovery in Graph-Based Data ,"
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools , Volume 14, Number 1-2,
February-March, 2005.
L. Holder, D. Cook, J. Coble and M. Mukherjee, "Graph-based Relational Learning with Application to Security ,"
in Advances in Mining Graphs, Trees and Sequences , T. Washio, L. De Raedt, and J. Kok, Eds., IOS Press, 2005.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Qualitative Comparison of Graph-based
and Logic-based Multi-Relational Data Mining: A Case Study ," Proceedings of the ACM KDD Workshop
on Multi-Relational Data Mining , August 2005.
N. Ketkar, L. Holder, D. Cook, R. Shah and J. Coble, "Subdue: Compression-based
Frequent Pattern Discovery in Graph Data ," Proceedings of the ACM KDD Workshop on Open-Source Data Mining , August 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, D. Cook, L. Holder and E. Heierman, "Automation Intelligence for the Smart Environment ,"
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , August 2005.
B. Kondeti, M. Nallacharu, G. M. Youngblood and L. Holder, "Interfacing the D’Artagnan Cognitive Architecture
to the Urban Terror First-Person Shooter Game ," Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on
Reasoning, Representation and Learning in Computer Games , August 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, L. Holder and D. Cook, "A Learning Architecture for Automating the Intelligent Environment ,"
Proceedings of the Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) , July 2005.
J. Coble, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Structure Discovery in Sequentially Connected Data ,"
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2005. Best Paper Award .
R. Rathi, D. Cook and L. Holder, "A Serial Partitioning Approach to Scaling Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery ,"
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2005.
J. Potts, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Learning from Examples in a Single Graph ,"
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, E. Heierman, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Automated HPOMDP Construction through Data-mining
Techniques in the Intelligent Environment Domain ," Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference of the Florida AI
Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2005.
J. Potts, L. Holder, D. Cook and J. Coble, "Learning Concepts from Intelligence Data Embedded in a Supervised Graph ,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligence Analysis , May 2005.
G. M. Youngblood, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Managing Adaptive Versatile Environments ,"
Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) , March 2005.
D. Cook, M. Huber, R. Yerraballi and L. Holder,
"Enhancing Computer Science Education
with a Wireless Intelligent Simulation Environment ,"
Journal of Computing in Higher Education , 16(1):106-127, Fall 2004.
A. Rakhshan, L. Holder and D. Cook,
"Structural Web Search Engine ,"
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools , 13(1):27-44,
March 2004.
I. Jonyer, L. Holder and D. Cook,
"MDL-Based Context-Free Graph Grammar
Induction and Applications ,"
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools , 13(1):65-79,
March 2004.
J. Kukluk, L. Holder and D. Cook,
"Algorithms and Experiments in Testing Planar
Graphs for Isomorphism ,"
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications , Volume 8, Number 3, 2004.
M. Mukherjee, L. Holder, "Graph-based Data Mining for Social Network Analysis ,"
Proceedings of the ACM KDD Workshop on Link Analysis and Group Detection , August 2004.
I. Jonyer, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Attribute Value Selection Based on the Minimum Description Length ,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence , June 2004.
J. Coble, D. Cook, L. Holder and R. Rathi, "Structure Discovery from Sequential Data ,"
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2004.
G. M. Youngblood and L. Holder, "Agent-Based Players for a First-Person Entertainment-Based
Real-Time Artificial Environment ," Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research
Society (FLAIRS) , May 2004.
R. Shah and L. B. Holder, "Subdue Web Interface and GUI ," Technical Report CSE-2004-9,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, November 2004.
G. Youngblood, D. Cook, L. Holder, "The MavHome Architecture ,"
University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX, Rep. CSE-2004-18, 2004.
L. Holder, D. Cook, J. Gonzalez and I. Jonyer, "Structural Pattern Recognition in Graphs ,"
in Pattern Recognition and String Matching , D. Chen and X. Cheng, Eds., Springer, November 2003.
L. Holder and D. Cook, "Graph-Based
Relational Learning: Current and Future Directions ," ACM SIGKDD
Explorations , Volume 5, Issue 1, July 2003.
D. Cook, N. Manocha and L. Holder, "Using
a Graph-Based Data Mining System to Perform Web Search ," International
Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence , Volume 17, Number
5, pages 705-720, July 2003.
I. Jonyer, L. Holder and D. Cook, "MDL-Based Context-Free Graph Grammar Induction ,"
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2003. Second Place, Best Paper
Award Competition .
A. Rakhshan, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Structural Web Search Engine ,"
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2003.
G. M. Youngblood and L. Holder, "Evaluating Human-Consistent Behavior in a Real-time First-person
Entertainment-based Artificial Environment ," Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference of the Florida AI
Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2003.
R. Mehta, D. Cook and L. Holder, "Identifying Inhabitants of an Intelligent Environment Using a
Graph-Based Data Mining System ," Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference of the Florida AI Research
Society (FLAIRS) , May 2003.
I. Jonyer, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Concept Formation Using Graph Grammars ,"
Proceedings of the KDD Workshop on Multi-Relational Data Mining , July 2002.
J. Gonzalez, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Graph-Based Relational Concept Learning ,"
Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Machine Learning , July 2002.
J. Gonzalez, L. Holder and D. Cook, "Experimental Comparison of Graph-Based Relational Concept
Learning with Inductive Logic Programming Systems ," Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Inductive
Logic Programming , July 2002.
S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Maulik, D. J. Cook, L. B. Holder and Y. Ajmerwala, "Enhancing Structure Discovery for Data Mining in
Graphical Databases Using Evolutionary Programming ," Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference of the Florida
AI Research Society (FLAIRS) , May 2002.
I. Jonyer, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder,
"Graph-Based Hierarchical Conceptual
Clustering ," Journal of Machine Learning Research , Volume 2, pages
19-43, October 2001.
D. J. Cook, L. B. Holder, S. Su, R. Maglothin and I. Jonyer, "Structural Mining of Molecular Biology Data " IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Special Issue on Genomics and
Bioinformatics , 20(4):67-74, July/August 2001.
D. J. Cook, L. B. Holder, G. Galal and R. K. Maglothin,
"Approaches to Parallel Graph-Based
Knowledge Discovery ," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ,
61(3):427-446, March 2001.
N. Manocha, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Structural Web Search Using a Graph-Based
Discovery System ," ACM Intelligence Magazine , 12(1):20-29, March 2001.
I. Jonyer, L. B. Holder, and D. J. Cook, "Graph-Based Hierarchical Conceptual
Clustering ," International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools ,
10(1-2):107-135, March 2001.
L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "A
Client-Server Computational Tool for Integrated Artificial Intelligence
Curriculum ," Journal of Computing in Higher Education , Volume 12, Number 2,
March 2001.
J. Gonzalez, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Application of Graph-Based Concept Learning
to the Predictive Toxicology Domain ," Proceedings of the Predictive Toxicology Workshop at the Fifth European
Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases , September 2001.
J. Gonzalez, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Graph-Based Concept Learning ,"
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 377-381, May 2001.
N. Manocha, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Structural Web Search Using a Graph-Based Discovery System ,"
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 133-137, May 2001.
D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "A Client-Server Interactive Tool for Integrated Artificial Intelligence Curriculum ,"
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 206-210, May 2001.
D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Graph-Based Data Mining ,"
IEEE Intelligent Systems , Volume 15, Number 2, pages 32-41, March/April 2000.
J. Gonzalez, L. B. Holder, and D. J. Cook, "Graph-Based Concept Learning ,"
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence , page 1072, July 2000.
I. Jonyer, L. B. Holder, and D. J. Cook, "Graph-Based Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering in Structural Data ,"
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence , page 1073, July 2000.
J. Gonzalez, I. Jonyer, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Efficient Mining of Graph-Based Data ,"
AAAI Workshop on Learning Statistical Models from Relational Data , pages 21-28, July 2000.
G. M. Youngblood, L. B. Holder, and D. J. Cook, "A Framework for Autonomous Mobile Robot Exploration and Mapping Through
the Use of Place-Centric Occupany Grids ," Proceedings of the Machine Learning Workshop on Learning from Spatial Information , June 2000.
I. Jonyer, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Graph-Based Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering ,"
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 91-95, May 2000.
J. Gonzalez, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Structural Knowledge Discovery Used to Analyze Earthquake Activity ,"
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 86-90, May 2000.
R. Chittimoori, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Applying the Subdue Discovery System to the Chemical Toxicity Domain ,"
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Florida AI Research Society Conference , pages 90-94, 1999.
R. Chittimoori, L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Discovering Substructures in the Chemical Toxicity Domain ,"
AAAI Spring Symposium on Predictive Toxicology , 1999.
R. Chittimoori, J. Gonzalez and L. B. Holder, "Structural Knowledge Discovery in Chemical and Spatio-Temporal Databases ,"
Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 1999.
S. Su, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Applications of Knowledge Discovery to Molecular Biology:
Identifying Structural Regularities in Proteins ," Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing , pages 190-201, 1999.
S. Su, D. J. Cook, and L. B. Holder, "Knowledge Discovery in Molecular Biology:
Identifying Structural Regularities in Proteins ," Intelligent Data Analysis , Volume 3, pages 413-436, 1999.
K. S. Tae, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Experimentation-Driven Knowledge Acquisition for Planning ,"
Computational Intelligence , Volume 15, Number 3, pages 252-279, 1999.
G. Galal, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Exploiting Parallelism in a Structural Scientific Discovery System to Improve Scalability ,"
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology , Volume 50, Number 1, pages 65-73, 1999.
D. J. Cook, G. Galal and L. B. Holder,
"Discovering Concepts in Structural Data ," In J. T. L. Wang, B. A. Shapiro and D. Shasha (eds.) Pattern Discovery
in Biomolecular Data: Tools, Techniques, and Applications , Oxford University Press, 1999.
G. Galal, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Improving Scalability in a Knowledge
Discovery System by Exploiting Parallelism ," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining , pages 171-174, 1997.
T. Duell and L. B. Holder, "A Study of Overfit in Decision-Tree Induction ,"
Proceedings of the Tenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference , pages 342-346, 1997.
S. Djoko, D. J. Cook, and L. B. Holder, "An Empirical Study of Domain Knowledge and Its Benefits
to Substructure Discovery ," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , Volume 9, Number 4, pages 575-586, 1997.
D. J. Cook, P. Gmytrasiewicz and L. B. Holder, "Decision-Theoretic Multi-Agent Sensor Planning ,"
in Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition for the Unmanned Ground Vehicle , O. Firschein and T. Strat, Eds., pages 413-428, 1997.
D. J. Cook, P. Gmytrasiewicz and L. B. Holder, "Multi-Agent Cooperative Sensor Planning ,"
Proceedings of the Image Understanding Workshop , pages 1321-1332, 1996.
P. Hsia, C. T. Hsu, D. C. Kung and L. B. Holder, "User-Centered System Decomposition:
Z-Based Requirements Clustering ," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Requirements Engineering , pages 126-135, 1996.
D. J. Cook, P. Gmytrasiewicz and L. B. Holder, "Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Sensor Planning ,"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Volume 18, Number 10, pages 1013-1023, 1996.
D. J. Cook, L. B. Holder, and S. Djoko, "Scalable Discovery of Informative Structural Concepts Using Domain Knowledge ,"
IEEE Expert , Volume 11, Number 5, pages 59-68, 1996.
D. Cook, L. Holder, "Parallel Knowledge Discovery from Large Complex Databases ,"
NASA, Rep. CR-1999-209466, September 1996.
L. B. Holder, "Intermediate Decision Trees ," Proceedings of the 14th International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pages 1056-1062, 1995.
S. Djoko, D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Analyzing the Benefits of Domain Knowledge in Substructure Discovery ,"
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining , pages 75-80, 1995.
D. J. Cook, L. B. Holder, and S. Djoko, "Knowledge Discovery from Structural Data ,"
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems , Volume 5, Number 3, pages 229-245, 1995.
D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Substructure Discovery Using Minimum Description Length and Background Knowledge ,"
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research , Volume 1, pages 231-255, 1994.
L. B. Holder, D. J. Cook and S. Djoko, "Substructure Discovery in the SUBDUE System ,"
Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases , pages 169-180, 1994.
D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Sensor Planning and Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems ,"
Proceedings of the Image Understanding Workshop , 1994.
A. Chaudhry and L. B. Holder, "An Empirical Approach to Solving the General Utility Problem in Speedup Learning ,"
Seventh International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems , pages 149-158, 1994.
L. B. Holder and D. J. Cook, "Discovery of Inexact Concepts from Structural Data ,"
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , Volume 5, Number 6, pages 992-994, 1993.
L. B. Holder and A. Chaudhry, "Simple Selection of Utile Control Rules in Speedup Learning ,"
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning , pages 77-82, 1993.
L. B. Holder, "Empirical Analysis of the General Utility Problem in Machine Learning ,"
Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pages 249-254, 1992.
L. B. Holder, D. J. Cook and H. Bunke, "Fuzzy Substructure Discovery ," Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference
on Machine Learning , pages 218-223, 1992.
L. B. Holder, "Unifying Empirical and Explanation-Based Learning by Modeling the Utility of Learned Knowledge ,"
Proceedings of the ML92 Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning , 1992.
L. B. Holder, "Selection of Learning Methods Using an Adaptive Model of Knowledge Utility ,"
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning , pages 247-254, 1991.
L. B. Holder, "Maintaining the Utility of Learned Knowledge Using Model-Based Adaptive Control ," Ph.D. Thesis,
Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, October 1991.
S. F. Kappes, A. B. Baskin, R. E. Reinke and L. B. Holder, "A Knowledge-Based Natural Language Database Interface ,"
Technical Report P-91/15, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL, May 1991.
L. B. Holder, "The General Utility Problem in Machine Learning ,"
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning , pages 402-410, 1990.
L. B. Holder, "Application of Machine Learning to the Maintenance of Knowledge Base Performance ,"
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of AI & Expert Systems , pages 1005-1012, 1990.
L. B. Holder, "Performance-Driven Knowledge Transformation ," Proceedings of the Third Florida
Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium , pages 149-153, 1990.
D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder, "Accelerated Learning on the Connection Machine ,"
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing , pages 448-454, 1990.
R. E. Stepp, B. L. Whitehall and L. B. Holder, "Towards Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms ,"
Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pages 333-338, 1988.
L. B. Holder, "Substructure Discovery in Subdue ," Technical Report UILU-ENG-88-2220, Department of Computer Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 1988.
L. B. Holder, "Discovering Substructure in Examples ," Masters Thesis, Department of Computer Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 1988. (Available as Technical Report UILU-ENG-88-2223).